1 more exam…
I’m about 5 hours away from total freedom and all I can say is “WOOOO!”
I actually have three hours before my last exam, but I don’t feel like giving TENelson the pleasure of having me study for this test. Yes, this class has been the biggest waste of my time ever. I just hope that Nelson’s too busy grading our programs to take time to read my blog.
With exams essentially behind me, I’m ready to move on. Going home tomorrow to get furniture for the apartment. Chill time is on.
Love all 1 of you who ever reads my sporadic postings!
May 10, 2002
April 29, 2002
Looks like dead week is turning out to be just about that. Well, as close to dead as any engineering major could hope for.
I’m getting pretty excited about summer and Costa Rica and fun in the sun. Here’s the status of the countdown:
9 more days of school
4 more days of classes
10 more Monday-Wednesday-Friday Classes
3 more Tuesday-Thursday classes
5 exams
1 final paper
1 oral report
1 weekend of mad funness
April 13, 2002
Tonight I uploaded some changes. I think I’ve kinda settled on a look and feel. Be sure to check out the “Fox Dance.” You’ll have to find it yourself, I’m not giving any hints. Oh, and if anybody finds some more pictures of Chancellor Fox, mail them to me. And if you think that my animation skills are poo…do better. I encourage you. Good night world. Sincerely, Brad D. Parker
April 8, 2002
I think it’s getting late now….So the new page has been up for three days and I’m doing a complete renovation. New layout, new graphics, new content. I’m having way too much fun. No sleep for me. –Hey Sarah.
April 4, 2002
POSTED!!! Hello, world. So it’s not perfect. I’m just a wanna be hacker. But today, my new layout gets its rightful place at the top of my file space. Anything to avoid doing number theory, right? I can just feel spring coming on — and the desire to work fading away. Lots of love everybody!
April. April 4. It’s summer, it’s not. It’s summer, it’s not. Is anybody else tired of wearing clothes? I really want to take my winter coats home.
April 3, 2002
I’m finishing up this new page. Actually, it’s not all that neat, but I’m not getting so many 404’s, and that’s what matters, right? I hope you all think this redesign is neat.