
May 23, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:39 pm

I cleaned my car!!!!
It’s been like two years, and it was starting to produce its own fossil fuel. But about 6 hours with the 409, and I won! Three days to clean my room, one to clean my car, but I’m done. Nothing to do until June 15, now. Nothing but sit in the sun and blog.
Spiderman::entertaining, but corny
Movies::too expensive
Hackers::still awesome
Anybody want to go see that Hugh Grant movie with me? Is it called ‘About a Boy’? If so, IM me or something.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:01 am

I’ve been checking out my flights to and from Costa Rica tonight. It was actually a lot more fun than I expected. Everybody should book a flight on American Airlines and then call the reservation line to confirm it. I got to talk to this automated chick who took my flight number and date and then gave me my very own window seat…on four separate planes! Yeah, so I don’t get to fly much.
Anyway. Looks like “Ocean’s Eleven” will be our in flight movie from MIA to San Jose. I’ve been meaning to see it, but looks like I’ll get my chance. 🙂
1 Airbus, 1 Boeing, and 2 MD-80s
On that note…It was about 48 hours ago (You people wouldn’t believe the quality programs on the Discovery Channel after 11 o’clock!) I was watching a program about crash testing. It was pretty neat. You can learn amazing things from television.
For example, if properly restrained, the human body can withstand up to 40 horozontal G’s for very brief periods. Sure, it really hurts, but it makes a good story. Vertically, we don’t do so well. That’s why the ejection seat was a big problem. 10 G’s vertically will break your neck.
This doesn’t really apply to passenger jets, though, since most passenger jets crash at a shallow angle and kinda skid on their belly. The vertical G’s are softened by the crumpling of the cargo bay underneath. It’s the fire and the fumes from the jet fuel that kills you. I’m glad my mom doesn’t read my blogs.
Good night 🙂

May 22, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:31 pm

HEEEEEY! Look who’s online!
So, I hate dial-up. Dial-up really stinks. It’s better than nothing, but it’s slow and it’s boring. And I’m having serious e-mail issues.
I’ve been cleaning my room for three days now, and I’m almost done. Amazing.
And one day, when it warms up about twenty degrees, I’m going to wash my car. Why is it 50 degrees outside in the middle of May?
Lots of love, everybody.

May 17, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:54 pm

Still haven’t packed up the computer. Actually, I’ve been playing on it ever since the last post. Really. It’s being unplugged right now. Good night.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:48 pm

Here it is…Last day on campus…Last day with broadband…Last day with my own server.
Now I’m trying to devise a way to pack everything without unplugging the computer. Actually, the only things I haven’t packed now are an outfit for tomorrow, my sheets and the computer. I’ll let you know how it goes.

May 15, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:08 pm

🙂 One big happy face for all the world! No more exams! I’m done. So now I have about a week to be the only one in Raleigh. I’ll be sitting around here with my feet propped up. Somebody send me an e-mail or something.
The semester turned out really well. Good grades and stuff. Now it’s just chill time until I leave for Costa Rica and Pura Vida.
Happy summer everybody!

May 10, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:09 am

1 more exam…
I’m about 5 hours away from total freedom and all I can say is “WOOOO!”
I actually have three hours before my last exam, but I don’t feel like giving TENelson the pleasure of having me study for this test. Yes, this class has been the biggest waste of my time ever. I just hope that Nelson’s too busy grading our programs to take time to read my blog.
With exams essentially behind me, I’m ready to move on. Going home tomorrow to get furniture for the apartment. Chill time is on.
Love all 1 of you who ever reads my sporadic postings!

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