
July 31, 2005

Excited about my kicks

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:08 pm

If you’ve seen me in the past month or so, then you already know that I absolutely love these shoes that I got at Wal-Mart.
That’s all for now.

July 28, 2005

Maybe this instead

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:46 am

Hybrid Solar Lighting from Sunlight Direct
And the dim flourescent lighting is meant to emphasize the general absence of hope

July 23, 2005

More Daylight?

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 2:14 am

Lawmakers move to extend daylight-saving time
I think it’s a dumb idea. I can’t believe it got this far. I’m not going to go into the reasons why unless you bug me.
I do wish they’d turn off the lights at the PTO every once in a while.

It’s 2am and about 20 minutes ago I made a left turn from off the right curb directly in front of a police car. I knew it looked suspicious, but I had a very good reason for doing so, thus I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get pulled over. I didn’t have any other plans for the rest of the night anyway.

July 14, 2005

Lighten up on Soda

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:13 am

An advocacy group is trying to get warning labels on soft drinks. But, you probably already knew that because you watch the news.
Well, I’m all about curbing obesity. I don’t want to be fat and unhealthy, and when I go to Rehoboth Beach, I don’t want to see fat, unhealthy people. Why warning labels on pop, though? Quickly perusing my refrigerator, I found there are no more calories in a serving of Mountain Dew Code Red than there are in the same amount of orange juice. A banana has about the same number of calories. Why not warning labels on cheesecake and french fries? There’s already a group seeking to put labels on potato chips warning about some risk of cancer.
Here’s an example of the label that could appear on soft drinks.

The U.S. Government recommends that you drink less (non-diet) soda to help prevent weight gain, tooth decay, and other health problems.

What about the risk of cancer from artificial sweeteners?
You know where we need warning labels? On couches. And on desks. “Spending eight hours a day sitting at a desk may increase your risk of obesity and make you a generally dull person.”

July 10, 2005

The things you learn…

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:53 pm

The Space Shuttle countdown begins at T-43 and counting. It is then almost three days (that’s about 72 hours) until liftoff. Countdown 101 explains why.

July 9, 2005

Look who rediscovered his own website!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:29 am

I just thought about this and wanted to complain to the general public about it.
I went to Panera last night…the one on Duke Street, just a couple of miles from here. I noticed they had a dispenser next to the fountain drinks labeled “Sweet Tea.” Imagine my excitement and anticipation! This now makes 4 places I know of within a 20 mile radius that have brewed, sweetened, iced tea.
The thing was empty! And nobody seemed to be refilling it, since it was nearly 8pm at this point. You’d better believe I’ll be back

July 8, 2005


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:44 pm

I should be in bed now. Busy day tomorrow.
Geese. I’d love to talk to somebody who knows a lot about geese. I think they’re pretty interesting. They can be annoying, but they intrigue me. We know they fly well. They get in those little V’s and cross the continent. But they seem to be much more interested in staying on the ground than most other birds. You don’t see geese just fly back and forth from one place to another. Once they’re grounded they seem to stay there; which sorta makes sense, being the fat, lazy birds they are. If a goose wants to go from one pond to another across the road, she’ll just waddle right across.
I was driving down a busy city road yesterday in a light rain and I passed by a goose that was standing in the median, head erect, waiting for a break in traffic to finish crossing the road. It looked just like any other pedestrian patiently waiting it’s turn. However, this is an animal that I wouldn’t expect to understand our traffic laws, and one that can fly. What’s that about?

Did anybody come by CharmingGeek on Independence Day? I just realized that I had a patriotic layout all set up for it. However, since I was vacationing, I didn’t get on the computer and actually get to see it. How’d it look? It wasn’t all messed up, with little red x’s where the graphics should have been, was it? I sure hope not. Let me know if you saw it.

Web-Based Sudoku Solver

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 3:38 pm

This was fun. I built a little Sudoku Puzzle solver. This is a game where you start with a 9×9 grid with certain numbers filled in, and you have to fill in the rest of the boxes with the numbers 1 – 9 in such a way that each of the numbers appears exactly once in each row, column and 3×3 square.
The solver is here. It works best with Internet Explorer.

Screaming Yellow Zonkers

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:51 am

He said what I should have said.

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