
October 31, 2006

Here and there

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:15 pm

Hey. I know I’ve been silent for a while. I’ve been busy. Maybe if you’re addicted you’ve noticed this site has had some issues during the past few days. I’ve been moving to a new host, because my old host was for the birds. I’ve moved scripts and databases and email accounts, and I’ve had to do all of that from my laptop while on what seems like the other side of the world.
I’m on a business trip that is turning out to be pretty cool. And this is my third twelve-hour work day in a row. I’m pretty excited about being out in California for a while. I’m not surfing, and I’m not even seeing much of the sun, but I love to get away and break my usual habits for a while. Ask me again after a few more days like this, though. We haven’t even started the hard work yet.
I’m on a brand new web server, and I’m on a business trip. So, please excuse any mess around here — but let me know if anything is broken, half working, or annoying. Even if it’s been that way for years. I probably don’t know about it and would love to fix it.
There’s your update. I promise the next one will be less boring.

October 19, 2006

Studies show link between marijuana and mental illness

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:15 am

A recent report delivered to British political party heads cites over “400 different scientific studies that point to links between use of cannabis, illness and destructive behaviour.”
8 out of 10 mentally ill patients are heavy cannabis users
Unfortunately, I have to note that drug use a destructive behavior; making it a link between destructive behavior and some more destructive behavior. Also, many people with mental illness will try to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. In either case, it’s hard to claim causality.
Just say no.
via: Purple Avenger

October 18, 2006

iPods ship with Windows Virus

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:49 pm

Recently Apple has announced that they shipped some video iPods with a virus installed. The virus (technically a worm) which only affects Microsoft operating systems could allow unauthorized access to the iPod user’s computer. Apparently Apple forgot to run antivirus software on their testing machines in China.

October 17, 2006

Three Hundred Million

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:28 am

According to US Census Bureau projections, today is the day that the population of the United States hits 300,000,000. So, I think that’s noteworthy. There should be some cheering. Currently I’m looking at 299,999,848. You can watch our estimated progress on the U.S. POPClock. That should be a good way to fill your day.
William Frey of the Brookings Institution says the 300,000,000 resident will be a Hispanic boy born in Los Angeles County. I think he should be named Trescientos Millones Garcia. That’s a nice strong name. I hope his parents are paying attention to me.
I’m finally breaking down and doing the math to get an idea when we should roll over and throw some confetti….
Okay, that’s like, at 7:46am. You’d better start celebrating.

October 16, 2006

Nebraska is the home of the politically active hunk

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:02 am


October 14, 2006

Laces for Less

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:25 am

Here’s my consumer plug for the week. For absolutely all your shoelace needs, you can’t beat Laces for Less.
Part of the reason I’m posting this is so that I never loose the link to this site. I’ve ordered from this company at least half a dozen times and plan to do repeat business. I like to personalize my shoes with different laces. With Laces for Less, I can get exactly the color, width, and length of lace that I want. And price! Virtually all their laces are less than one dollar a pair. Shipping for any purchase less than $10 is only $1.50. That’s a real deal. For any purchase over $10, there’s no shipping charge at all!
Okay, so you think I’m lame for throwing out this shameless plug for a web site that only sells shoelaces. I just hope you remember it next time you break a lace, or have a set too long, short or boring. Before you visit seven stores looking for the right replacement, save yourself some time and money with Laces for Less.

October 9, 2006

New Blog Added to my RSS Feeds

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:19 am

I give you Reformed Chicks Blabbing.

October 8, 2006

Al Yankovich is the Man of the Week

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:54 am

White & Nerdy

This is so me.

Music video by “Weird Al” Yankovic from the album “Straight Outta Lynwood”


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:16 am

Temporary Park
Via Treehugger:
September 21 was PARK(ing) day in several US cities, most notably the activist laden city of San Francisco. The initiative is headed up by a group called Rebar. For a day or a couple of hours, groups interested in public space created temporary parks in metered parking spaces along city streets. Some of these parks are complete with real grass, trees, and park benches.
See the video.

October 2, 2006

Currently Reading: Oliver Twist

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:14 pm

I have a new favorite sentence. From Oliver Twist, Chapter 12.

That when the Dodger, and his accomplished friend Master Bates, joined in the hue-and-cry which was raised at Oliver’s heels, in consequence of their executing an illegal conveyance of Mr. Brownlow’s personal property, as has been already described, they were actuated by a very laudable and becoming regard for themselves; and forasmuch as the freedom of the subject and the liberty of the individual are among the first and proudest boasts of a true-hearted Englishman, so, I need hardly beg the reader to observe, that this action should tend to exalt them in the opinion of all public and patriotic men, in almost as great a degree as this strong proof of their anxiety for their own preservation and safety goes to corroborate and confirm the little code of laws which certain profound and sound-judging philosophers have laid down as the mainsprings of all Nature’s deeds and actions: the said philosophers very wisely reducing the good lady’s proceedings to matters of maxim and theory: and, by a very neat and pretty compliment to her exalted wisdom and understanding, putting entirely out of sight any considerations of heart, or generous impulse and feeling.

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