
November 5, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:20 am

This morning I was late to class because “Peaceful, Easy Feeling” was on the radio when I got to the parking lot. I had to stay for the rest of the song.

November 4, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 3:57 pm

Is it bad that all I’ve had to eat today has been 11 glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a diet Pepsi?

October 30, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 2:23 pm

I tossed a Technician and an Independent Weekly in the recycle bin today. I’m thinking, maybe with a billion years of shredding and random chance, they might turn into something good.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 1:38 pm

Congradulations to Katie Boyd, most recently accepted to NC State! Not that I’m surprised… So Katie, I’ll see you on the brickyard next year — since I’ve decided I’m going to take a victory lap.
Go State!

October 28, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:09 am

So what’s going on here? It’s raining. I guess the drought is over. My file quota is shot. I need a host. I need DSL. We’ll see about that.
This weekend…there’s that regatta in Georgia, so I won’t be around. I think I’ll go home and study now. Do my postings get more and more boring all the time?

October 25, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:08 am

Skateboarding is not a crime. Some of the things skateboarders routinely do are, though. I’m sorry. That’s just the way it is. I love you guys. Go tear it up.

October 24, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:38 am

To live is Christ and I’ve been given abundant life, so I’m going to go live.

October 17, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:12 am

So what do you think about break-up police? Should there be an elite force of well-trained operatives, making sure that couples who are no longer an item act like it? Do we really need uniformed or undercover officers to censor conversations with the ex? If not, who will make sure that former couples don’t call each other all the time and say nice things about each other? Throw down your thoughts, concerns, and apathies in the tag board.

October 16, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:09 am

It’s not really raining today. It’s just wet.
There are distinct, although tiny, raindrops, however they don’t seem to fall, but rather to just hang in the air waiting for you to walk into them. One might see it as dreary, London-esque. I think it’s just refreshing.
On another note, seems like I’ve finally started work on building my next computer. Step by step I kinda fell into it. After putting the project on permanent hold, I was wandering through Best Buy the other day and bought an 80-gig hard drive. Now, finding myself with a bunch of storage, I decided it’s time for a new op-sys, so I’m installing Win-XP and Linux soon. I already boosted the RAM around Christmas, so now I just need a new power supply, CPU and motherboard and I’ll be on my way.

October 11, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 2:03 pm

I went to the China Garden yesterday and found these words of fortune in a sweet confection:
“Ignorance never settles a question.”

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