
January 29, 2003

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:56 pm

Have you ever really looked forward to getting home so you could sit down and have something to eat, but when you get there you realize all you have is peanut butter and jelly and five varieties of beans?
Maybe that’s just me.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:02 pm

Providence: When God fits his hand into the glove of ordinary circumstances.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:36 am

Still no TA.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:36 am

I’m in lab. My TA is not. What’s going on here. Let’s talk about the State of the Union.
I don’t think that in the 20 years I’ve been watching State of the Union addresses that it has ever been anything other than “strong.” I’d like just once for the state of the Union to be perplexed, or perhaps something plasma-like.
Anyway, I’d like to thank the President for laying out specific examples of Hussein’s violations and deceptions. What impressed me most, however was the feeling in the room that things mattered. The economy, HMO’s, taxes, schools, blah blah blah. These things are only important to us because we’re spoiled. We have everything anybody could ask for and education is free and of good quality for every resident, not just citizen, of this country. (And don’t argue with me about what ‘good’ is.) What really matters is that there are nations in the modern world in famine, under political oppression, in severe states of underdevelopment, or plagued with terminal illness. What is wonderful about the United States is that we don’t call those other people’s problems. The cheers going up from members of Congress said, “We will do whatever we can, whatever is neccessary to make the world better, healthier, and more free. And we will do all of this because we, as a nation, are blessed.” Now that’s cool.
The US doesn’t enter wars for selfish reasons, for conquest or for glory. When our boys go out to fight, they represent a nation that they are proud of, but fight so that others can stand up for what makes them proud. For moral obligations and for our own respect, we will not back down in the face of a tyrant, a deciever, a bully with a title.
For all our men and women overseas and on their way, for what it’s worth, I support you. I do not desire war, I believe it should be avoided if at all possible. Hopefully with a display of force and resolution, Hussein will back down, but I do not believe that is in his nature. Therefore, if force is neccessary, good luck, God bless, and come home soon.

January 28, 2003

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 4:02 pm

Heard in MA 407H today:

This is not a square. Assume it is a square.

Kailash C. Misra, Ph.D.

January 26, 2003

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:20 pm

I went to school one day last week. So why do I still not want to go back tomorrow?

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:51 pm

Oh, I get it now!
Metric Conversion Chart

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:30 pm

Zoolander. I loved Zoolander. Several people told me I might not like it, though. I don’t know why. Maybe some people just don’t enjoy male models the way I do.
“What is this!? A center for ants!?”

January 25, 2003

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 4:47 pm

I definately meant I’m going to take a bath. A long, hot bath.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 4:45 pm

I went to Habitat today. Miah and I put a roof a shed in the back of the house, and although I felt like it took forever, I was proud of the work we had done. That and I’m rather sore from doing a lot of hammering in unusual positions. We capped off the day with a little bit of a snowball fight. It felt really good to be outside all day, and it looks like I got some sunburn on my nose. :o)
I’m going to take a shower.

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