homework is stupid.
April 20, 2003
April 16, 2003
I’ve gone to Washington DC for the rest of the week. It should be much fun, meeting Supreme Court Justice Scalia, touring the Saudi Arabian Embassy, and checking out some really fly museums. I’ll be back Saturday night. Miss me bunches and send me lots of e-mail. bdparker at standard ncsu domain ending (ncsu.edu, csc.ncsu.edu, math.ncsu.edu, pams.ncsu.edu, eos.ncsu.edu, unity.ncsu.edu, i think that’s it).
April 13, 2003
Just got back from a weekend of hiking on Roan Mountain, TN/NC. Check out a few pictures.
April 11, 2003
From today’s Technician:
Over 6,000 students voted in this week’s student body election, breaking last year’s record of over 4,000. Apparently, students got the voting URL confused with the online “Phil Donahue sucks as a commencement speaker” petition.
April 10, 2003
April 8, 2003
Rain, rain, go away.
April showers are so depressing.
Did you know epsom salt provides temporary relief of pain from sprains and bruises and it provides relief of occasional constipation. Good thing to have around.
April 7, 2003
April 6, 2003
I stopped at the Gate station on the way back to Raleigh to get some Hazelnut Cappachino, and picked up a copy of Men’s Health (“A Flat, Firm Stomach in Just 4 Weeks”) on the way out. Then proceeding to checkout, I was informed that I was entitled to a free Krispy Kreme Doughnut. Well, this has been a great weekend.l