
February 21, 2008

Life on the Intarwebs

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:07 am

Hey reddit, go outside! A total lunar eclipse is beginning NOW!

TyPower: I’m outside looking at the moon. The graphics out here are UNBELIEVEABLE!
bentley: If you shoot it with your sniper rifle, you can make it bigger or smaller.
zzleeper: LOL! What game was that? I can’t remember…
stillwaters: GTA3!
thefro: I wasn’t going to go outside, but since outside got reddited…
justinhj: I wanted to go outside, but where do you click?
theundersigned: I usually use the X on the top right of the window.
Catch-22: It’s amazing. The moon almost looks like a sphere if you look closely. A sphere!
ragingkenbo: I wonder how many millions of polygons it took to render that.
Fauster: link? Thanks!
Kostoglotov: Outside
wickedsteve: Must be HD. Too bad it was cloudy here.
epicRelic: It’s fake. I can tell because the pixels are all wrong.
doctor_shim: For those too scared of the bears, here’s a visual:
steinalec: What is this “outside” of which you speak?
mysticreddit: “Real Life” (TM) – now in 4D!
jozzas: It’s a new RPG from the makers of IRL:
* Billions of NPCs to interact with
* Highest resolution graphics
* Advanced combat system
* Realistic physics
* An incredibly detailed world to explore
theundersigned: The downside is you only get to spawn once, unless you’re on the Indian server. That one’s pretty crowded, though.
ravindraS: photoshopped…
yortuk: According to the icon on my screen it’s overcast.
jimmiejaz: phew I thought it was being eaten by spacerats, I knew it was only a matter of time till they found out it was made of cheese.

February 4, 2008

if you want change

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 6:19 pm

I’m pretty sure I just saw Hillary Clinton standing by the metro asking people to vote for Obama.

February 1, 2008


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 3:44 pm

So after finishing off one can of Manwich, I was very excited to come home from work and make some more Manwich. I grilled up about a pound of lean ground beef and mixed in a can of barbecue flavored sloppy joe sauce. Just as it was simmering, nearly ready, I turned to grab the buns and toast one a little. My buns weren’t on the counter where they should be. I knew I had two buns left after the one I’d packed in the morning to have with my lunch.
This is where I should tell you I’m not very good at mornings. Typically if I get out the door before 8:00am, it’s because I’ve forgotten my lunch, my keys, my ID, or my phone. If I was supposed to mail a bill or a letter that day, then I probably forgot it. This morning I was surprised to get to work realizing that I’d managed to get all of that together.
When my hamburger buns weren’t on the counter I realized that I may not have done as well as I thought. They weren’t on either kitchen counter or over the refrigerator, where I sometimes keep bread. This means I did something stupid with them.
Okay, hamburger buns on my desk? On the bed? Microwave? No, no no. In the cabinets, under the sink? The freezer. That would be a dumb place to put buns — not there either. Not in the refrigerator either. Check the bathroom, check the trash can. Sometimes I like to take one thing I’m supposed to throw away and one thing I need to keep and of course throw away the thing I want to keep. I didn’t do that.
At this point, I’m convinced that somebody came into my apartment while I was at work and stole two hamburger buns. Even though I still can’t remember what I did with those buns, I knew I had two buns left. I was seriously about to call the police and report that there had been a break-in and robbery at my flat. The damage? A bag containing two hamburger buns, predestined to serve Manwich. Meanwhile, the Manwich is getting cold.

They were in the recycle bin. I had already buried them under some junk mail that I brought up with me on the way in.

January 20, 2008


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:02 am

In my continuing effort to eat better, I went to the grocery store yesterday and bought three cans of Manwich, three cans of Chili, and some pork and beans. By “eat better” I mean eat more food with “Man” in its name. And to stop calling granola bars and candy a dinner.

Here are some amusing comic strips about working as a host at Olive Garden”.

January 5, 2008

I can do that

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 1:04 pm

I was just walking in front of my apartment building when a lady drove up and asked me for directions “back to Northern Virginia.”

December 17, 2007


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 6:13 pm

Cosi has good sandwiches. Not particularly good coffee. It still warms you up though.
If you know me well, you know I hate the cold. Hate being cold, hate cold weather. Winter sports don’t appeal to me because of the winter part. I want to move somewhere that there are four seasons: turning warm, warm, getting hot, and hot.
So with that in mind, even I can’t believe that on a day when it’s 28 degrees, I’d rather throw on my jacket and ride a motorcycle 40 miles to work than to turn on the heat in my truck and drive the cage in to work.
I’d rather be a little cold than to lose the freedom of riding, the connection I have with the road, the music of the engine beneath me, and the reality of the wind in my face.
Sometimes I refer to it as an addiction, but I think it’s rally just insisting on the best.

December 5, 2007

Stocking Stuffers

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:08 pm

Hey y’all.
You know, Christmas is soon. And my birthday is right on its heels. Seems like a great time for you to get me some Mister Splashy Pants swag! I’m partial to the t-shirt (M) and the mug. That mug would be great at the office to compliment my coffee addiction.
Splashy Pants ShirtSplashy Pants Shirt
Who is this Mister Splashy Pants, you ask? Well, Greenpeace is holding an online poll to name a humpback whale. They’re a little upset about Japan allowing hunting of the humpbacks (for science, of course), and I don’t blame them. So this requires naming a whale. Greenpeace provided 29 boring hippie sounding names and “Mister Splashy Pants.” Then Mister Splashy Pants met Web 2.0.
Even if you don’t buy me swag, you still have a day or two to vote.

Not riding today

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 2:50 pm

Snow covered motorcycle

This is where I draw the line.

December 2, 2007

Open Letter to Colbie Caillat

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:31 pm

Dear Colbie,
I love your voice. Your lyrics are sweet and your music makes me feel good. You are a talented artist. So why do you have to have somebody count you in every time you sing “Bubbly?” I’ll grant you that it’s a tricky meter – but next time you record something, maybe you should turn the mike off when making asides like that. Perhaps your dad could even cut that little bit of audio out before making the final mix. I still love “Bubbly” but I don’t know how many more times I can count you in to get it started.
Your biggest fan,

November 28, 2007

I’m a little disappointed with myself

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:13 am

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