Hey! I’m just having a ball here! So for those of you who are a little impatient, I now have a test for anyone considering dating me. I’m such a lamo. This time you will get immediate feedback, letting you know just how compatable we are. Take the test.
November 15, 2003
November 14, 2003
I just found a bacon egg and cheese biscuit in my bookbag. It took me a while to remember when I got it. Well, I’m still not sure. I think it was Wednesday, but it could have been Monday. It looked really good. But you know, three day old bacon, egg, and cheese. I went next door to get the guys opinions on that. Their feeling was 2 days max on a cooked egg. It did have a rather wax-like consistency. I think I’ll have to go to Bojangles’.
November 12, 2003
Charlotte Johnson
On average, the best part of my days this semester has been winding down on one of the swings in central campus. Swinging is my new favorite hobby. Tonight on the swing, I was wondering what it means to “be exclusive” with someone. Well, it seems according to Amy, that it means that if you’re exclusive with someone, you can’t be “in like” with anyone else. So that completely cleared things up for me. Because, well, it all makes sense now. Of course you can’t be in like with two people at the same time! What was I thinking?
November 10, 2003
Stupid Raleigh Weather
I’m sick. I’ve got a stinkin cold. Thursday it was 82 friggin degrees. Last night it was 30. The radiators aren’t on yet, i’m using my computer as a space heater.
November 9, 2003
I’m so bad at studying
They have pre-wrapped sausages but they don’t have pre-wrapped bacon.
I’m wearing my coat over my chair, so I can’t move much.
Miss Portier gets a link. She’s this hot chick with red and purple hair.
Maybe I should also note that this is probably the least effective means of getting a date that I can think of.
Wow. Nine of you have filled out the girlfriend application, and two-thirds of you are actually girls. Pretty exciting for me. However, I’m afraid that you guys just really like filling out forms. (The three guys on the list support that fear.) But that’s cool. At least you’re filling out my form.
In case you’re curious, here’s a little info on the applicants:
One of my applicants has dated me before, so it must not have been too bad.
With the exception of James (who is a dirty liar — and a boy) you are all right handed.
Four of you flat-out refuse to be a sandwich.
I’ve never met three of you, never spoken to two, and have absolutely no idea who one of you is.
Applications are still being processed. I must make sure you are informed, though, that I come on an as-is basis.
I feel dirty. I’m going to study now.
November 6, 2003
I picked the color
Since some of you I realize did not have a resume or want add prepared, there is now an HTML based girlfriend application. I really can’t say any more about that.
I feel shamed.
Thank you Robyn for designing most of this and for foiling my laziness. You’re a way cool chick. If you’re ever visiting Raleigh, you can completely be my girlfriend for the day.
It’s that time again!
I woke up this morning with a paper to write, some homework assignments to finish, and some pretty nasty specimen in the refrigerator. Guess which one of those got attention.
Happy Birthday, Katie Boyd!! I heart you.
And thank you, Marf, for your spectacular undercover work in getting me this really hot background.
82 friggin degrees today. I never thought that living in an unairconditioned dorm would be a problem in November. Looks like it’ll be in the 70’s next week, too. I’m going to vacation in the mountains….or something.