
January 11, 2004

Requisite Snow Pictures

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:35 pm

I’ve been doing some coding lately, learning what I can do with php and sql. Most of you won’t notice any changes here, but I’m doing some major work on my site’s backend. (I don’t like the way that sounded) I’m reworking my code.
We got our two inches of snow for the year, so here are the pictures.

January 6, 2004


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:30 pm

Click here for some randomness
These pictures really could use some captions, but they don’t have any.

Okay! Okay!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:28 pm

I went to Raleigh today — and towed my car (the money pit) home. Of course, its home isn’t the same as mine anymore. The money pit has been retired.
I’m working on debugging some problems that I created while moving my website to a new server.
Lets see. I’m watching VH1, and there’s really not much going on. What do I say? I guess I’ll put up some pictures.

January 3, 2004

Happy New Year!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:37 pm

Maybe you were wondering where I’ve been for the past month or so.
For now, suffice it to say I’m home in Williamston, I’ve been really busy. My new computer is working and it is sooo hot. I’ll actually be posting again soon.

December 15, 2003

Daaa da da da daaah daaaah

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:09 am

Hear that? That’s the sound of ME GRADUATING!!!

December 11, 2003

A Riddle

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:48 pm

Splitting of two lonely partners
Leads to merge all four as friends.
It lacks in speech and mutters verse;
It acts as glue to seal loose ends.

What is it?

December 6, 2003

Exam Week

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 5:59 pm

Okay, exams are coming, up, i’m building a new computer, and moving things to the new server. So I’m taking a blogging hiatus. I am also going to break lots of things. My local server is going to be down, and I don’t know what that all means, but I can promise the pictures link will be broken. The quizzes will dissapear, too. In the mean time, my pictures can be found here. The links there will, of course, be mostly dead. Love, Brad.

December 5, 2003

This one’s for Ashley

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:02 am

Two classes left. Two papers, two exams. Come on guys, plant a patch of mental health.

December 4, 2003


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:48 am

Husbands were made to be talked to. It helps them to concentrate their minds on what they’re reading.
~C.S. Lewis That Hideous Strength

November 29, 2003

Shocking Weather

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:05 pm

Well, winter is obviously here. If the sub-arctic temperatures weren’t enough to let me know, everything shocks me now. I get in my car, I get shocked. I get out, I get shocked. My microwave shocked me, and so does my sink, where every morning I am forced to choose scalding or freezing water. Who devised these two-faucet numbers? No logic behind this at all.

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