Hey. Check out this Metric Conversion Chart. No. Really. It’s fun.
February 10, 2004
February 6, 2004
Yay Summer! (Stupid Groundhog)
Seventy-two point five degrees today! I was unbelievably happy. First I went to the Cypress Grill (or here) with my grandparents. And besides being cool hanging out with them, I got a taste of true Martin County culture, eating fried fish on the banks of the Roanoke. Wow. I didn’t know the Roanoke was such an exciting place!
Back to the b-e-a-utiful day we had! Okay. It was overcast. But I could care less. I was wearing shorts, and I finally got up the nerves to go outside. I started with a run around the golf course which convinced me that I either need to get in shape or find a par-3 course nearby. Then I rode my brother’s bike into town — where it was raining. Where do you get those really hot glasses with the windshield wipers?
Upon arriving at the house, I realized it was still really fabulous outside. So I tried out our rope swing. Somebody’s going to have to teach me how to use that thing. I can’t seem to get it. Then I thought, “Hey! I’ll climb this rope up to that branch.” Then I thought, “I can’t do that! I’m a skinny little computer geek.” Then I thought, “Yes I can, I did it just a couple of months ago at the vertical edge.” Then, just as I started climbing I thought, “At the vertical edge, I was wearing a harness. That kinda helped when I fell from the top.” So I stopped that ? with some hesitation. (Note to self: Find more things to climb on.)
So then I ran to the trailer park and back. With any luck, I?ll be ridiculously sore tomorrow.
Mom and I made pizza for supper, but there was a little problem where my pizza got all stuck to the pan and we had to scrape it off. Oh, and dad dropped the last piece on the floor, put it back on a plate and stuck it in the refrigerator. I?m telling you?
Additionally, I have been entertained by ScribbleHoney.
February 5, 2004
It’s like Thunder
Well since I’m a single male housewife now, I watched the Ellen DeGeneres show this morning. That’s a good show. She’s a funny girl. She looks like a fish.
Dare You to Move
I have to go to bed earlier so I can get up in time to have coffee with the old men at the gas station.
But I just don’t want to. You know how that is? I’d rather just stay up all night talking to a really good friend. I think if I had a car tonight I might go for a really long drive. I would so like to see Sarah, and hang out and have one of those heart-to-hearts like we haven’t had since her last exam week at NCSU.
So how about this movie that’s coming out? February 25th. The Passion of the Christ.
Maybe you’ve heard of it. It was produced and directed by Mel Gibson and has stirred some controversy. Maybe you haven’t. None of the major distributors would take it, so Gibson went to an independent distributor and there has been virtually no advertising or media coverage.
Download a trailer.
Whoa. Religious leaders who have been let into private screenings have mostly been left speechless, and perhaps the best review has come from the Pope, who said of the movie, “It is as it was.”
It will be playing at a theatre near you. Go.
February 4, 2004
The Three-Second Rule
There’s no three-second rule in my mom’s house. With the exception of perhaps peanutbutter on the carpet, any food dropped on the floor is still good for consumption until it molds.
February 2, 2004
New and Improved!
Lookie lookie! Well, this is what I’ve been working on (when I’m working on anything). You’ll find lots of neat new stuff here. And you’ll find it’s unbelievably slow, too!
One day, I’m going to clean up this code and make it work much faster. I didn’t write most of the code that interacts with the database, but I can see that it’s rediculously inefficient.
Just let me know if there are any bugs or problems anywhere. You are my beta testers. And don’t think somebody else will tell me. Only three people ever look at this page, anyway.
January 31, 2004
January 30, 2004
From my studentcenter.org profile
My newest post ever!
If you really want to know what’s going on, you could just call me.
Anyhow, here’s what’s going on.
I went to Raleigh Friday to see SpencerAcuff and hung around to do some shopping and see some friends. The plan was to come home after church Sunday. Well, that was my plan. My plans don’t mean much, though.
While I was in church, two inches of snow were falling on my car my dad’s van outside. Now to those of you who live in the arctic regions of New England, Canada, or …well, you know who you are…you have to understand that two inches of snow is a BIG FRIGGIN DEAL in North Carolina. Before the day was out, the Governor had declared a state of emergency and my almamater canceled all classes for two days.
Well, so Alisabef, Louisa, and I scurried back to the car, and I turned on the wipers to knock the snow off the windshield. I really didn’t notice that Alisabef had her door open. So I’m really sorry about all that snow that fell into her lap. Well, not being so familiar with the van, I got to fiddling with all the buttons and dials, trying to get it into winter driving mode, (Turns out the little snowflake on the dash has nothing to do with literal snow.) and turned the wipers back on just as Alisabef opened the door again. oops.
Well, we slid on back to campus where I burrowed in for the night. I figured, when snow chaos broke out in NC, I’d better be where I knew I had food, water, heat, and electricity. I also got to talk to this really cool girl named Emily who can eat with both hands. Yeah, Jesse. You would like her.
I finally got back home on Wednesday…three days behind schedule.
I can’t think of anything else to talk about.
January 16, 2004
Your Next Hot Vacation Destination
Check out pictures of the surface of Mars as provided by that little rover thingy at NASA’s website. Did you know that little Spirit is roughly the size of a smallish SUV and can travel at a breakneck velocity of 100 meters per month? Sometimes I wonder about those rocket scientists.