
May 16, 2004

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:32 pm

This from the label of one of my wash cloths.
“Machine wash warm. Tumble dry. Wash dark colors seperately and before using. Do not bleach. AVOID CONTACT WITH MEDICATION CONTAINING BENZOYL PEROXIDE.
What’s up with that?

May 11, 2004


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:59 pm

That is the number of unmatched socks that came out of the dryer.


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:03 pm

I guess I have to put something up here every so often. I don’t remember why.
This is my brother’s (Scott) blog.
This is Martha’s.
Earlier I had something interesting to share. I wonder what that was.
You know that in the past five years I’ve had ten addresses? That’s just silly. And I’m moving next this week.
Um, David and Pamela are getting married next week. 🙂 That’s so cute.
[Next random thought] Looks like summer is really here now. Things are slowing down. Christy is gone to D-vegas (sad day) and all the rest of my friends are at the beach. Horay for year-round school!!!

May 6, 2004

Llama llama llama

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:40 pm

This is silly.

April 26, 2004

It’s the coolest!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:42 pm

I had my first day of school today. For the most part, I hung out with a third grade class and got a good idea of how things work at Timber Drive. The kids are so cute. I’m going to have fun.

April 22, 2004

Does this sound suspect to anyone else?

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:40 am

I know there are some fruit juice aficionados out there. Stuff like this bugs me.
This is from the label of Ocean Spray White Cranberry Peach.
“White Cranberry And Peach Juice Drink In a Blend With Another Juice From Concentrate”

April 21, 2004

The Gas Mitt

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:08 pm

Does this sound familiar to anybody else?
My gas needle will go from 1/4 back up to 1/2 tank repeatedly, then suddenly drop to empty. Straight from 1/4 tank to the Low Fuel light being on, and then going back off as the needle moves up?
I really want to put a gallon or two of gas in a can, throw it in Aicha’s bed and drive until it cuts off.
So I bought gas. Gas is too expensive. But I got a free “Gas Mitt” at the station. Have you seen these things. It’s a plastic mitt. It keeps your hand clean. It’s never really been something I was concerned about, but you know there’s going to be that one time, where I spill gas on my hand and then I meet The Donald and he extends his hand but I’ve got gas all over mine. Then he’ll be all, “You should have used a Gas Mitt. You’re fired.”
Oh yeah! Who wants to go to I NY Pizza after church Sunday?

April 20, 2004


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:40 pm

I love Food Lion’s Extra Low Prices, but when it comes to fresh produce, the Lion’s not the king of the jungle. So, I drove 25 miles looking for a decent head of lettuce. I never realized before how Food Lion has a corner on the grocery market around the Raleigh university district. I went by the farmer’s market to see if there was any tasty locally grown lettuce, but no. But there was this cute little kid with a big sweet potato in his hand saying “Tomato! Tomato!”

April 15, 2004

I only speak the truth

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 5:21 pm

I love Aicha. She scoffs at speed bumps and Papa John’s drivers.
I just finished watching Moulin Rouge. That movie rocks. It’s a rather unhappy ending, though. I’m feeling a little depressed. I think I’ll eat a cookie.

April 13, 2004

Something Interesting

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 1:29 pm

[names have been altered for privacy]

sockrangel (7:06:00 PM): i can touch my tongue to my nose. no really. 😛
ticklish (7:32:30 PM): The wise man can pick up a grain of sand, and envision a whole universe, but the stupid man will just lie down on some seaweed and roll around until he’s completely draped in it. Then he’ll stand up and say “Hey, I’m vine man!”
Leilanii (8:20:23 PM): I think Brad Parker is sexy!
steffi (10:18:00 PM): tonight perry said he thinks brown eyes are ugly
steffi (10:18:00 PM): and me and shantez have brown eyes
steffi (10:18:00 PM): so we beat him up
Trishy (11:01:16 PM): i just look out my window and saw this guy streeking!!!
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