
December 11, 2004

Anderson Cooper

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:46 pm

No matter what people may say, taping christmas lights to the wall is not fun. Starting right now I’m looking for a short-cut.

Okay. That worked.
You know, I’ve really started liking CSI. I still don’t understand why everybody has to die in the most gruesome way possible, but I really enjoy the mystery of the show.
I’ve got chicken on the Foreman.

November 28, 2004


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:31 pm

November 22, 2004

Foreign Language

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 3:46 pm

boys speak in rhythm and girls in code
tell it to me straight, give it to me now
face forward
face forward

speaking foreign language, nothing i can translate
speaking foreign language, nothing i can dictate
you’re speaking foreign language

boys speak in rhythm and girls in code
tell me how you feel
come out of the dark
and we can head back home and i’ll know where to start

Where did we go wrong?
We need medication for this miscommunication

Where did we go wrong?
Our conversation’s weakened
conversation’s weakened

Boys speak in rhythm and girls in code
Boys speak in rhythm and girls just lie

Schrodinger’s Cat

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:36 pm

I can say absolutely and certianly that
You know or know not of Schrodinger’s Cat.
One hundred percent better, and equally worse
Quantum physical theory when spoken in verse.

November 15, 2004

Time for a new post

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:39 pm

I really don’t have anything to say, but I am really tired of politics. Well, at least anything related to the presidential election. So as I sit and eat my stir-fry, I’m going to let my fingers tickle the keyboard.
I got my new computer at work today! I’m really excited about that, but it means more computer maintenance and less actual development for a while. But that’s cool. I feel like pulling some late hours this week.
On the residential side of the street: I have now picked up a computer, monitor, and leather desk chair that were left in front of our dumpster. I passed up on the desk since I had just bought one.
I stumbled across this site today. Dude’s got some pretty funny videos for your enjoyment.
I found out that the Food Lions around here sell all varieties of instant grits and I am sooooo excited about that. I just wish there was one closer by. And I could really go for some cheese-n-eggs, raisin toast, grits and apple butter from Waffle House. On that note.
This is going to turn into a worthless comment because I can’t remember the name of the place, but I had some really quality NC style barbecue Saturday. There’s this stand way down on Highway 1, beside the Jiffy Lube. I was disappointed that they didn’t have more southern fare, but the barbecue sandwich and sweet tea was wonderful. I’ll fill you in when I can get the name of that place…

November 4, 2004

Intrigued by Liberals

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:28 pm

I’m really starting to like Slate. There’s a lot of wound-licking going on there. Personally, I think it’s really interesting how these guys think. There are also some interesting links.
From the NY Post, of Kerry’s home state: Bush lost Massachusetts with 37 percent of the vote ? a wipeout ? but he had lost the Bay State in 2000 getting only 32 percent of the vote.

The next day

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:45 pm

I guess the marriage amendment didn’t have as much affect as i thought in Michigan. However, I was reminded this morning that in Florida, another state where Bush pulled off a solid win, one issue on the ballot was to require parental notification before a minor can have an abortion. This probably also brought out huge numbers of conservatives who cast their ballots for the President.
I saw Edward Rendell, the (Democratic) governor of Pennsylvania, on “Today” this morning. I think he inadvertently made a statement about why Kerry lost this election and how the mostly north-eastern and west coast Democratic party has lost touch with the majority of America. You probably know by now that this election year “moral values” was the issue cited as most important by the greatest number of voters. Of the 22% of voters who said moral values were most important, 80% voted for Bush. So back to “Today” and Ed Rendell. When he was asked if Democrats were able to embrace America’s moral values, he claimed that the party was very concerned about moral issues and then cited things such as child care and social security. Another guest on the show, a representative from a liberal feminist organization, thought that moral values married women are concerned about are “clean air, clean water, and safety.” Raise your hand if you think anybody who said to exit pollsters that moral values were most important to them meant the moral value of Social Security? No. It doesn’t happen. Social Security was one of the choices. It’s not that the majority of our Democratic leaders don’t share our moral values, they don’t even understand what the term means.
In completely unrelated news, A Canadian man, angry that he was refused a plane ticket to Australia at Los Angeles International Airport, stripped naked, sprinted across the tarmac and climbed into the wheel well of a moving jumbo jet, officials said on Wednesday.

November 3, 2004

The Same-Sex Marriage Effect

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 1:32 am

An amendment to ban same-sex marriage was on the ballot in 11 states. Most notable here are Michigan, and Ohio. The interesting thing about this isn’t that it passed in all 11 states. I believe what isn’t getting a lot of coverage right now is the affect this had on the presidential race. Religious conservatives — who voted at least 75% for Bush — feel very strongly about this issue and it is likely that hundreds of thousands of conservatives voted for Bush after coming to the polls to vote on the amendment. I believe that will turn out to be the deciding factor in Ohio and Michigan.

Celebration of Democracy

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:31 am

It’s a little past midnight, my election party has broken up, and we’re waiting on results mainly from Florida and Ohio.
There are a lot of states too close to call. (The Bush campaign is claiming Florida as a victory right now and I don’t think many people will argue with them. — Update: With 98% reporting, Florida is a red state.) The map is starting to look exactly like it did in 2000, and even though Bush won the electoral vote then, population shifts in the past four years means the same state-by-state breakdown means a larger margin of victory for Bush.
The House and the Senate have gone Republican.
But the big story? When polls started closing, exit polls predicted a sweep for Kerry. What’s this mean? People lie to pollsters. The media is going “Wow! Our polls were wrong!” I linked to Slate yesterday, and was watching their exit poll numbers which I thought looked too optimistic for Kerry. Turns out they were “completely wrong.” I just think this is funny.
Now P. Diddy’s on TV talking about the state of politics in the US, and I’m just not buying it.

November 2, 2004

Now that you’ve voted

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:52 am

So you cast your ballot. You got up when it was still dark so you could take part in our pseudo-democratic process of choosing our national leaders.
Now we wait. The results aren’t going to be in by Thanksgiving, so you might as well take a moment to GET OVER IT.
Or, if you’re like me, you’ll probably want to visit Slate for some mostly useless election coverage.

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