
December 23, 2004

Steve Burns is not dead!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 5:11 pm

You may consult his Frequently Asked Questions on the issue.

Blame it on fast food.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:05 am

The investigation into the a recent capsizing of a Baltimore water taxi has produced some intersting results. Turns out the boat was carrying some 700 pounds of excess weight. But according to the report, “it was not the number of passengers that caused the extra weight, but their girth. The Coast Guard uses a 1960’s estimate of average passenger weight: 140 pounds a person. The 25 passengers on the Lady D averaged 168.4 pounds.”
-From the Washington Post

Ice Cream for Breakfast!!?

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:56 am

That’s craaazy!
Thanks Heather.

December 22, 2004

A better condiment

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:05 pm

I never used to be a big fan of ketchup. I always saw it as the — well, the catsup — of the condiment world. It’s a little boring, really generic, and too salty. It seemed like catchup was used as the remedy for whatever uninteresting or undigestible product might end up on your plate. Fries that you would otherwise not eat are bearable when smothered in the thick, red sauce. Of course, then they end up tasting not so much like french fries, but really like salted tomato sauce. Then something amazing happened. It was the presidential election of 2004. Living just outside of DC, ground zero for all things political, and expecting a battle that would last long into the night, I planned a little democratic get together. I gathered some junk food for my guests, including hot dogs and french fries, so of course I had to get ketchup. You’ll recall that John Kerry’s wife, Theresa Heinz Kerry is the queen of Ketchup, earning millions each year off one of the most popular condiments in the United States. Not wanting to show favoritism, (to the Kerry camp, anyway) I sidestepped the Heinz shelf at my local grocer and grabbed a bottle of Hunt’s. (Only the best tomatoes grow up to be Hunt’s.)
This single event changed my life. That’s real catchup! Hunt’s has a flavor that’s really enjoyable. One that enhances the flavor of food, not masks it. With Hunt’s, hamburgers and fries have new life. Yes, even hot-dogs. Look guys. it’s just a better ketchup. If you’ve been using that stuff they give you in the little plastic packets at McDonalds, you don’t know what you’ve been missing. Here’s a sauce that actually tastes like tomatoes. So that’s my plug. Hunt’s Ketchup is amazing.
I have to go now. CSI:NY is on.

December 20, 2004

Can’t trust that day.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:56 pm

So we got our snow last night. It was a pretty good storm actually. A mix of rain and snow and serious wind mixed with a touch of thunder and lightning. It was really only enough to cover the ground and most of it was gone by this morning. When I left for work it was still only 11 degrees, though. A balmy 11 degrees and a wind chill that made it feel like -7.
Work was fabulous today. I got to build a computer, and if that’s not exciting enough, I got to build a computer using a paperclip, duct tape, a cardboard box as integral parts. Feeling very computer geek and very McGyver.

December 19, 2004

Joy, to the world

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:10 am

As I’m having breakfast this morning, I’m excited that I’ve finished off another box of cheese grits. Sounds like I’ll have to hit up the Piggly Wiggly when I’m back home.
Also I’m wearing some socks I kinda like. But the thing about them is that I can’t remember ever seeing them before. People don’t usually abandon socks in my drawer. Maybe I’d just forgotten about them.
Okay, it’s not really a classic anecdote.

December 18, 2004

It’s the low-stress lifestyle

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:39 am

So I’m watching the weather, trying to get ready for snow, (really hoping for snow!) but it keeps changing. Maybe this is why I only watch the weather when I’m expecting snow or a hurricane. It may even get up to 28 degrees on Monday. I’m still pretty sure that’s cold though. Ever seen The Day After Tomorrow? Great special effects, good movie to watch, not real strong on interesting plot. Anyway, looks like some scientists or journalists or Ohio State students are predicting something like that to happen in the next 100 years. I don’t know. I didn’t bother to read the article.
Hey! My cholesterol levels are really good! Okay, I’m 23, they should be good. But they’re really good. I should get a prize. So I’m excited about that. I think I’ll go treat myself to an omelet.

December 17, 2004


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:26 am

For a few days now I’ve been getting excited that we might get snow Sunday or Monday. Today I just saw the temperatures that go along with that. The HIGH for the day is expected to be 22 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s about -6 degrees Celsius for you Robyn. And for those of you that don’t live in an arctic wasteland, that’s really cold! I think it’s also a chance to wear my long johns.

December 15, 2004

Happy Christmaramakwanzakah!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:19 pm

It had to be done.

December 12, 2004

Do not look directly into the Christmas lights

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 4:13 pm

My left eye is a little wonky right now. I think I was standing a little to close to that little red light. It’s a weird feeling. In related news, the knee of my jeans just quit on me. Yeah, I’ve had these pants for a while, but it always surprises me when my clothing just starts to decentigrate. Yep. Just ripped a four-inch whole across my left knee. This is why you can’t find men’s clothes at second-hand stores. I guess I’ll go put up some more lights.

Hey. Somebody send me some email.

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