
February 14, 2006

JavaScript Sudoku Solver

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:05 pm

(Because I have to do everything in javascript)
I slapped together a web-based sudoku solver a while back, and it pretty much stunk.
I’ve updated it, included new algorithms. In most cases, this new version will work much faster. It actually uses the same type of solution method that I would use with pen and paper. The difference is, the JavaScript sudoku solver will actually get the correct solution. Still the algorithm isn’t as smart or as efficient as a human would be, but it is much faster and less prone to mistakes. This is the reason I own a computer. I’m talking too much. Here is the sudoku solver.

Cute Baby Panda Pictures

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 1:15 pm

Hapy Valentine’s Day! In celebration, here are pictures of Washington, DC’s biggest celebrity, panda cub Tai Shan, playing in the snow.
Cue awwwing.

February 13, 2006

Treat Your Mother Right

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 1:10 pm

Mr. T has something he wants to tell you.
Wow. Check out that bling.

Cool and geeky stuff

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:46 pm

First there’s this touch screen developed at NYU that recognizes multiple points of contact simultaneously.

I really must have one of these. You don’t know how many times I’ve complained about only being able to select one thing at a time. This isn’t even a touch screen issue. The way I see it, if I plug two mice into my computer, I should have two pointers. This is a major breakthrough in human-computer interaction. Maybe the biggest step toward making interacting with a computer like working in the physical world.

Then there are these songs about space, physics, energy and motion, weather, and nature.

February 9, 2006

My site is so getting hacked.

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:58 am

This editorial really sums up what I’ve been thinking about cartoons and violence. I really never have gotten the whole rioting thing, anyway. I like to think of myself as pretty open-minded, but some people’s logic, I just don’t understand. Some days I get angry. I never then go flip my neighbor’s car or burn the Saudi embassy. I just don’t see it.

February 7, 2006

Duck … and COVER!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:55 pm

Be prepared for a major disaster with this educational video from the official Federal Civil Defense Administration.
If we’re losing the war on terror, it’s because we’re not making enough cartoons.

February 6, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday Highlights

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:58 pm

In case you didn’t catch the Super Bowl, or if, like me, you enjoyed the party more than the game, here’s the only part that you missed. AOL’s Super Bowl commercial highlights.
Before the game, Justin, Heather, and I did some power kiting. I’ve had this fascination with kites since I got my first taste of kite boarding almost three years ago. And I’m still trying to move to the beach. Meanwhile, we can still have some fun playing around in the wind and the mud. Here’s the photographic evidence of the fun we had with my kite in Anacostia.

February 3, 2006

3D Paint Jobs

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:38 am

I’m getting a new office on Monday. Well, half of an office, but it’ll be a new half. I’m thinking I should try out one of these 3D optical illusion paint schemes in there.

January 27, 2006

Global Warming Confirmed

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:06 am

2005 was the warmest year on record. Feel free to panic in whichever way seems most appropriate to you.
I’d just like to take this opportunity to gloat a little and say, “If we would have elected the Al Gore in 2000, none of this would have happpened. Our cars and power plants would have been running on love, not fossil fuels.”

January 24, 2006

Counting bricks

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:37 am

I wake up in the morning, can’t find my grey pants. How do you lose pants? It’s not like I go over to a friend’s house and put them down to play some crazy MMORPGS and forget to pick them up when I run out the door to my third-level black belt ninja LAN party. It’s also really hard to lose my pants in the same places that I usually lose my keys and my thumb drive (where is my thumb drive?). A pair of pants takes up some space and is pretty hard to miss lying on my dresser.
How do you spell grey? Are you a fan of gray with an ‘a’ or is it grey with an ‘e’? Or is it one of those things where it depends on the gender of the subject. For example, a grey whale vs a gray shirt?
I digress. Then I make a heat a bowl of grits in the microwave while I try to decide from which bottle of hot sauce I will partake on this day.

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