
September 28, 2006

The Half Your Age Plus Seven Rule

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:27 pm

I’ve had to explain this rule a couple of times this week, so I thought I’d just go ahead and get it out there. There is no getting around the rule. Under no circumstances can you date anyone who is less than 1/2 your age plus 7. And contrariwise, you can’t date someone older than you if you’re less than half their age plus 7.
No, I didn’t make this up. There’s sufficient evidence that this rule is a law of nature. In nearly all circumstances I believe this will keep you from either beeing the creepy old guy or the naive young girl. (Or the scary old woman…)
Too complicated for you? There’s an automagic dating age calculator here.
I’d also like to share this lovely poem on the topic, entitled Half My Age + 7.

September 26, 2006

Presidential Hair

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:29 am

You guys know I’m a big fan of The Manolo. You don’t? Well, now you do.
Typically, I love his suggestions and reviews for the shoes, even though I’m not one to wear much of the peep-toe stilettos. Today, I’m loving his commentary on presidential hair styles. It’s actually a continuation of an article he wrote for Politics Central a couple days ago. Strive to have hair this awesome.

September 25, 2006

Currently Listening To…

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 2:35 pm

Five words for you:

Christian Hard Rock Dot Net

Lately referred to as “Music that violates our Family-Friendly Promise.”
You like it harder, you like it louder.

September 22, 2006

Beating the busses

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 6:52 am

I’m not even going to say what time I got into work today. It’s embarrassing. I was trying to come in early so I can go home early, and to beat all the school busses that I got behind yesterday. Well, I succeeded. I managed to knock 30 minutes off the commute, cutting it in half. Add to that the fact that I left extremely early to avoid traffic, and it was still dark when I got to work. Not dim — dark.
I’m excited about making the drive so much faster, but I’m not sure that I can continue to get up at that hour.
I took Heather’s advice and packed a couple of granola bars to eat on the way to work. At least I tried. I know I took 2 granola bars out of the cabinet and put them into something. That something clearly wasn’t my lunch bag, so I’ll be very interested to find out exactly where I stuck those when I get home. This is how my brain operates before the sun comes up.

September 20, 2006

You two sheepboys! Stop that jibber-jabbin!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 3:50 pm

Here is today’s thing that freaks me out:
Skittles sheepboys.

cold front rolling in

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:28 am

After taking the scenic route to Sterling this morning (which takes 5 minutes longer than the ugly route) I noticed the wind was kicking up pretty hard, so I took a 20 minute break from my commute, pulled out my Prism Stylus and had a little kiting session at NOVA Loudoun campus.
Now I’m at work — not as much fun.

September 19, 2006

Ahoy me harties!

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 10:48 am

Do ye know what day it is? Aye, this day be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
So, avast and swash those buckles, all ye landlubbers and buccaneers! Get yer pirate speak in shipshape lest ye be a scurvy dog.

Pick up the Pirate Keyboard if it will help.

September 15, 2006

Nobody Dances Anymore

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:17 am

I don’t know anything about this video except that it’s hosted at
I like it, though. Hot link following!

Because embedded movie doesn’t work, click here.

Ed: Okay, I know quite a bit more now. There’s interesting stuff on Brandtson’s Myspace page. It’s not a hotlink to anymore because that crashed my browser. It’s a music video for that band.

Watching guys pogo makes me happy

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:55 am

I just learned that about myself.
Let’s watch this guy bounce around. I love the music, too.
If you want to see something more acrobatic, here are some flybar flips.

September 14, 2006


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:58 am

Due to a change in schedule, I took a different route into work today, involving a few miles up Interstate 66 through Arlington. Well, traffic was horrendous. We love DC. But on every overpass, there was an American flag zip-tied to the rail. Now, Derek Webb doesn’t speak for me, but on his new album, “Mockingbird” he says

my first allegiance is not to a flag, a country, or a man, my first allegiance is not to democracy or blood it’s to a king & a kingdom

He’s right about that. But I do also hold allegiance to my country and its flag. In spite of all its problems, no matter what you think of our economic or environmental policy, whether our elected leaders are trustworthy or intelligent, I don’t believe there’s a better place to live on Earth. I think this place still holds a few ideals I can get behind. So I’ll be pledge allegiance and feel proud when I pass under the red white and blue.

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