
December 5, 2007

Stocking Stuffers

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:08 pm

Hey y’all.
You know, Christmas is soon. And my birthday is right on its heels. Seems like a great time for you to get me some Mister Splashy Pants swag! I’m partial to the t-shirt (M) and the mug. That mug would be great at the office to compliment my coffee addiction.
Splashy Pants ShirtSplashy Pants Shirt
Who is this Mister Splashy Pants, you ask? Well, Greenpeace is holding an online poll to name a humpback whale. They’re a little upset about Japan allowing hunting of the humpbacks (for science, of course), and I don’t blame them. So this requires naming a whale. Greenpeace provided 29 boring hippie sounding names and “Mister Splashy Pants.” Then Mister Splashy Pants met Web 2.0.
Even if you don’t buy me swag, you still have a day or two to vote.

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