
September 11, 2007

Completely Appalled

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 3:48 pm

On the way in to work, I saw a Subaru Outback with far too many bumper stickers on it’s metaphorical ‘tocks. Of course, I pulled up closer to read the stickers. (Pasting words in tiny letters on the back of your car is not safe.) Among a few other left wing activist-inspired stickers, there was the requisite “If You Aren’t Completely Appalled, You’re Not Paying Attention” sticker. I have to admit, I was completely appalled by the number of slogans pasted on the back of this off-roading station wagon. I’m still wondering why one would say “you aren’t” as opposed to “you’re not.” I think “aren’t” is one of the most obscene, not to mention useless, words in English. I hate to hear it and I really hate to say it. I’m pretty much over that bumper sticker, though. Every time I see one, I think to myself, “Are you still completely appalled? Maybe you should think about just loosening up a little bit.”

1 Comment

  1. This is what I think about it:

    Comment by bryan — October 24, 2007 @ 10:33 pm

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