In the interest of heading off any future arguments, horn honking, or possible citations, maybe you should set the following paragraphs to song:
In most areas of the United States, it is … legal to make some left turns on red. In all cases, the road being turned onto must be one-way. Making a left-turn on red from a two-way street is legal in only five states: Alaska, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington. In Washington, freeway on-ramps are considered one-way streets for the purposes of the left turn on red law.
In 37 other states and Puerto Rico, it is legal to make a left turn on red only from a one-way street. Left turns on red are prohibited in the states of South Dakota (unless permitted by local ordinance), Connecticut, Maine, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and in the District of Columbia and Guam.
All turns on red (left or right) are prohibited in New York City unless a sign is posted permitting it.