
September 28, 2006

The Half Your Age Plus Seven Rule

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:27 pm

I’ve had to explain this rule a couple of times this week, so I thought I’d just go ahead and get it out there. There is no getting around the rule. Under no circumstances can you date anyone who is less than 1/2 your age plus 7. And contrariwise, you can’t date someone older than you if you’re less than half their age plus 7.
No, I didn’t make this up. There’s sufficient evidence that this rule is a law of nature. In nearly all circumstances I believe this will keep you from either beeing the creepy old guy or the naive young girl. (Or the scary old woman…)
Too complicated for you? There’s an automagic dating age calculator here.
I’d also like to share this lovely poem on the topic, entitled Half My Age + 7.

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