
November 10, 2005

If People With Down Syndrome Ruled the World….And why not?

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:05 pm

This article made me angry today. Thank you, society, for providing an easy way to make sure that we don’t have to put up with anything like this.

Thus, I provide an opinion on what it would be like
If People With Down Syndrome Ruled the World: A humorous insight about what makes people tick…and makes them special…

I am adamantly anti-abortion, but this really gets me riled, because I’ve never met anyone with DS that I didn’t like.

1 Comment

  1. yeah I agree, this makes me angry. we are far too hung up on our arbitrary definition of perfection around here. If I were populating a private island, there are a lot of people with DS I would take over a lot of so-called “normal” people.

    Comment by martha — November 11, 2005 @ 1:42 pm

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