
August 5, 2005

Just to poke fun at Apple

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 8:06 pm

I’ve commented on this before, but I’d like to say again that Apple Computer, always the innovator is now making a mouse with more than one button.
Why the long wait? According to Apple’s vice president of Mac product marketing, David Moody, “There’s lots and lots of multi-button mice on the market but they come with some complexity.” And he has real point there. I’ve never understood why I need a foot-pedal on my computer anyway. I have to take my shoe off to work both buttons on the one I’ve got now.

1 Comment

  1. Being somewhat of an Apple snob, I feel obligated to defend them some. Mac computers have been developed to bet he most intuitive and easy to use. Mac has spent an amazing amount of money and time on usability testing, and for novice users, the same common demoniator comes out every time: a two-button mouse is not intuitive. That may seem absurd to us adept computer users where “intuitive” goes to a different level. That is why they have developed an _optional_ two button mouse. Two-button mice have worked with the Mac for years and they have those crappy contextual menus on a right click (or CTRL-click), but in my experience, if you are using them, it is mostly out of Windows habit and there is usually an easier, more obvious, more “intuitive” way to accomplish the task. You can buy any USB two-button mouse and it will work. Apple created this one to give you a two-button mouse option for those people who want the Apple style.

    If you don’t care about style and only want rough function, then Apple isn’t for you anyway. If you want style and usability compounding the rock-solid functionality, Apple is the only end-to-end computer supplier that gives that to you.

    Enough of a slogan for you? 🙂

    Comment by Dave — August 8, 2005 @ 7:52 am

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