
February 20, 2003

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:15 am

So, google bought blogger. A match made in heaven, me thinks. Alright guys, just continue to not be evil.
Anyway, I should always get up at 4 am to study. That went really well.
Of course as soon as I finish my useless mutterings here, I’m off to study again. No lunch for me today.
At 6:50 this morning, I heard the alarm on my watch going off. I just ignored it because I was up studying and didn’t feel like getting up to turn it off. But then when I got ready to leave for class and wanted to put my watch on, I remembered that I lost it yesterday. I looked everywhere for it to no avail. So, I know it’s in my room somewhere, but the only way I know to find it is to wake up tomorrow morning and listen for it. Why couldn’t I have set the alarm for 9pm or some time when I’m normally awake?

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