
August 10, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 2:01 pm

Ok, so I swam in rapids for 2 days, learned about swiftwater life saving, tossed some ropes to some not-quite-drowning friends of mine, and then hit the r?os. First a day of rafting on the Pejibaye and then two days on the Sarapiqui. Then in a moment of complete anticlimax, I left the shores of the Savegre for the Cl?nica B?blica in San Jos?. I still don?t know if it was the beans or the water, but I?m blogging right now because some GI issues have me tied down at base instead of on the river where I should be.
Ooh, and the rivers are so beautiful! I?ve seen more wildlife in the past week than in any other week in this country. Costa Rica has some of the best rafting in the world, and in the calm spots, these whitewater wonderlands are crystal clear. I can?t wait to get back out there. Meanwhile, I hope the other guys are having fun.
?Pura Vida!

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