
June 12, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:42 pm

Counting down the days…I leave this land of the free on Saturday, 4PM from RDU. I can’t wait. My whole family is coming to see me off, and Richelle is following us too. She’s so sweet.
For those of you not paying a lot of attention, I’m spending my summer with CRROBS in the Costa Rican Rainforest. I’ll hike for 30 days, crossing from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, and then I’ll kayak, surf, and check out some crazy Hare Krishna rituals for the next 30 days. I’ll be coming back to Raleigh just in time for school, August 16.
Well, I don’t know how much time I’ll get to use a computer while I’m in Costa Rica, but whenever I get the chance, I’ll be journaling my adventures online.
Keep checking back here to find out where I’ve been and what I’m doing. Hey, and when you do, click here and here to vote for my website at
This moves me up in a silly little ranking, and drives more visitors to my page. The end result is a happier Brad. I’ll feel like people care about my life and all that, you know? Humor me.
Affectionately yours,

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