
November 14, 2008

Life Out of Balance

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:25 am

Just found out that one of my favorite movies, Koyaanisqatsi is available to watch on Google Video and on Hulu. Massively recommended for incredible videography and epic soundtrack by Phillip Glass.

“Koyaanisqatsi” is a Hopi word meaning “life out of balance.” The movie doesn’t have a plot per se, but the breathtaking photography and time-lapse video tell a story of nature and civilization.

I first saw Koyaanisqatsi at nerd camp some ten years ago. I fell asleep. Ok, I was really tired! But even with dozing off during parts of the movie, it made a real impression on me that I couldn’t shake. For years afterwards, I remembered the haunting music and striking images. Finally, just a couple of years ago, I came across a deal for Koyaanisqatsi and the sequel Powaqqatsi on DVD and ordered it. I don’t buy a lot of movies, but this is one I knew I could watch over and over. Powaqqatsi is similar to Koyaanisqatsi, but is much more human-centric. Where Koyaanisqatsi often depicts society in time-lapse video of New York city traffic from the top of a skyscraper, Powaqqatsi features many slow-motion close-ups of expressive human faces. The two are actually part of the Qatsi trillogy with Naqoyqatsi, which I haven’t yet seen. (ahem)

November 13, 2008

The Thursday Cute

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 3:45 pm

Cute kids wield incredible power

November 12, 2008

7 things

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 1:26 pm

It’s National Blog Posting month or something, so I figured I’d post something.
Miley Cyrus – 7 Things

October 28, 2008

Praising “The One”

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:36 am

Isn’t it a little unusual support of a political candidate to border this closely on worship?

“I would like to see us in a world without fear”

“All the voters ‘cross America, Obama be thy name. Thy change shall come, Thy will be done, as it is in America”

“This is the church you can’t see….This is my American Prayer”

October 13, 2008

Jensen Beach, FL

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:23 pm

This place reminds me of the Outer Banks, except tropical. Itls the middle of October and in the high 80s. There are palm trees everywhere.
I’m having lunch at the Dog House Grill. They have a deep-fried, bacon-wrapped chili cheese dog on the menu. I’m the only person here the waitresses don’t know by name. We just sang Happy Birthday to an 77 year old man.

October 12, 2008

Why Florida is better than Las Vegas

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 3:32 pm

Yesterday I was in Las Vegas. Today I’m in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It was a good move. Let me tell you why Florida is better than Vegas.

1. The ocean.
2. Beaches, actual beaches, not wavepool nonsense.
3. No sandstorms. When I left Vegas it was about 60 degrees with a 15 mph wind. Absolutely freezing.
4. Nobody in Ft. Lauderdale hands you fliers advertising prostitutes.
5. Beaches.
6. Bicycles.
7. Florida is cheaper.
8. Um, some dude just handed me his dog.
9. Grits.
10. Not in the middle of the desert.
11. Beaches
12. No jean shorts. Why is every guy in Las Vegas wearing jean shorts?
13. Don’t have to take an escalator to cross
14. Non-smoking sections
15. Salt Air
16. And the ocean

October 5, 2008

Out of town

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:31 pm

I’ve been traveling a lot lately. I’ve been in California for the past two weeks and have one more to go. It seems like forever since I’ve been to church at Frontline so I made a point to get there online tonight. Since attendance online requires good, reliable bandwidth, I wanted to make sure I had some options. Therefore I’m in Las Vegas at the moment. The Henderson, NV Panera was a great place for me to log on, worship with Stephanie Cuomo and the band, hear Todd Phillips preach another truth-filled, no-appologies message, and chat with other Frontliners who couldn’t get there in person.
And now I’m at Mandalay Bay. I come through Vegas a lot for work, but don’t usually stay more than a few hours. This is one of the hotels I’ve never been to. I just got here so I haven’t seen much, but I’m impressed so far. Off to see the shark tanks now.

September 18, 2008

Most confusing road signs

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 11:28 am

This cracked me up.

America’s 10 Most Confusing Traffic Signs

September 16, 2008

Official Chevy Volt Pictures Released

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 2:10 pm

Chevy Volt

I want one. []
I like this redesign a lot better than the original concept. It’s a lot more palatable and will fit better into city traffic. I don’t feel great about that $30k price tag, but if it’s not plagued with mechanical troubles, I don’t have any doubt that this car is going to sell faster than Detroit can put them together. Right now the market is hot for this 4-door sedan that many buyers will never have to fill at the pump.

September 5, 2008


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:05 am

I love Chic-fil-A breakfast. If I didn’t worry about the amount of deep-fried chicken and lard-laced biscuits my body can process, I’d have a chicken, egg and cheese biscuit, hash browns, and sweet tea every day. I’d probably have two of the biscuits. So, that’s my typical breakfast at Chic-fil-A. Why do they always ask me if I want jelly? Where would I put jelly? On my hash browns? Surely, a chicken, egg, cheese, and jelly biscuit is over the top. (Maybe I should put it on eBay.)

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