I am totally obsessed with the fashion blogs. I can’t go a day without reading The Manolo. I love the commentary from Daddy Likey and apologize to anyone with sensibilities as I say these are really hot boots.
I check out The Sartorialist on a regular basis. Although the commentary is very brief, The Sartorialist is unique in that the author features a lot of men’s fashion. Why is it so hard to find people writing about men’s fashion? Men wear clothes nearly as much as women.
There are your three fashion links for tonight. Go out and be fabulous.
January 12, 2007
Fashion Blogs
January 10, 2007
my room
I live in a studio apartment. That’s a fancy way of saying I can’t afford walls. I can’t paint, so whenever I spend time in my studio, I like to record things. Turns out I snore.
Some people call this type of apartment an efficiency. I think that is appropriate. I do not have to bother with lengthy area designations such as “bed room,” “living room,” and “dining room.” I come home and have a seat in the room. I have a kitchen with an island bar that separates it from the room. When I eat at the bar it’s like I’m in a nether-world.
I don’t ever want to live in a place where I have to unplug the vacuum to get all my floors. I’m hoping to renew my lease and throw a staying-put party in August. I will order pizza and have my friends make sure I don’t load anything in my truck.
They can sit on the floor in my room.
It is 10 o’clock, and I am hungry. I found three kinds of crackers in my kitchen and now I am looking for some of those little summer sausages.
January 9, 2007
January 5, 2007
today one is hard-pressed to find anyone who truly believes the world ended on the morning of 30 June 1908
I’m finally back online. Long story.
I am increasingly convinced that I didn’t learn nearly enough in my history classes. For example, how come I had never heard of the Tunguska Event. At least one scientist is saying that this massive, unexplained explosion is the cause behind global warming. The Tunguska event occurred on June 30, 1908 over an uninhabited area of Russia and was probably caused by the explosion of a very large meteoroid above the earth’s surface. It created a destructive force equal to that of 10 and 20 megatons of TNT, or one really big atomic bomb. (The largest bomb ever tested by the US was 15 megatons. It pretty much leveled a forest and was blamed for an outbreak of smallpox. Oh, and it was also thought to signal the start of the end of the world.
Pretty cool, huh?
January 2, 2007
Lil’ Monsta
I talked about it here, but it took me a while to finally get one, thanks to the Mom and Dad. I had been holding out for the Sansa e280, with 8GB of flash storage to go along with that video playback capability and FM tuner in a tiny package. I’ve got nearly 2000 songs loaded on my Lil’ Monsta. Now I’m thinking about grabbing a 2GB MicroSD card to make room for another 500 songs, but mostly so I can brag that I have the largest-capacity flash player around.
The cost of living in a closed country
Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, vowed to humiliate the U.S. today. Clearly he doesn’t know about YouTube. His task is futile.
December 19, 2006
More Truth About Iraq
After reporting doom and gloom in Iraq throughout the entire election season, MSNBC/Newsweek is reporting that Iraq’s Economy is booming. Despite high unemployment, private enterprise is on a roll. Salaries have gone up by 100 percent since the fall of Saddam while income taxes have fallen by 66 percent. There are five times as many cars on the road in Iraq now compared to before the war. Real estate prices are skyrocketing as construction companies find success. Iraqis are now spending money they hoarded under the dictatorship on the flood of foreign goods that are now flowing tariff-free into their neighborhoods.
I’ve listened to the Iraq Study Group report (thanks to Reformed Chicks Blabbing) and I know things aren’t going swimmingly in Iraq. We all know that. The security situation is a mess, and the sectarian violence is enough to keep anybody from taking risks in business. But now that it’s safe to admit it, the mainstream media is reporting that political and economic freedom may bring prosperity to Iraq long before it can settle racial and religious differences.
via Hang Right Politics
December 18, 2006
December 15, 2006
Winter Games
Try the Mercedes Winter Drift game. It’s a great way to waste time and get ready for that winter driving.
On an unrelated note, one in eighteen people has a third nipple.