Man, I really want to do this. I suppose I’d have to have a roof first. Then there’s the problem of getting the lawn tractor up there.
August 30, 2006
Greening Your Roof
August 22, 2006
Time for an update
I’ve been pretty preoccupied with preparing for my upcoming move lately. I’ve been painting, hanging shelves, cleaning, and carrying a few odds and ends every time I ride the elevator up.
Speaking of riding the elevator, I think I’m going to really like living in the high-rise. It’ll give me more chance to meet the people around me. I’ve already talked to several of my neighbors, mainly during the minutes of close confinement on one of the lifts.
The summer season of lawn movies is over, and it’s a steady 64 degrees throughout our office building. I really need to make some kind of a change so I don’t feel like summer just completely blew by. This Sterling office with the frigid air, lack of windows, and the hour-long commute is really starting to get to me. At least I’ve been able to listen to a few good audio books during my drive.
August 7, 2006
Screen on the Green
If you’re reading my blog, you’ve probably gotten an invitation to Screen on the Green from me this summer. If not, consider this your invitation. Sorry it’s a little late, but it’s not over. This outdoor film festival held on the National Mall is probably my favorite part of living near DC.
Tonight we’re going to see the Humphry Bogart classic film To Have and Have Not. Next Monday, Rocky.
If you show up between 6:30 and 8:30, you’ll find our little group gathered under the inflatable palm tree, probably eating cheese and crackers. You might find Herbert and I playing frisbee somewhere along the edge of the Mall.
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks. Thanks for providing these, Rachel!
July 29, 2006
Talking about the weather
Everybody keeps talking about how hot it is. Today’s high is only 91. I’m still waiting for summer to start.
July 28, 2006
Now I Can Yodel With My Friend Jesus
Thanks to the wonders that is Amazon, I managed to dig up the Cosmic Cowboy album from the Disco Saints.
And in response to as many as two requests, here’s Range in the Sky. It’s a disco hoedown, y’all!
July 27, 2006
I just went over to myspace and thought I’d leave comments on people’s pages. But I don’t have anything to say. So I didn’t say anything.
I can ramble here, though. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have anything to say.
I will say, though, that Martha and Rachel are cute.
July 26, 2006
Thinkin’ about a country ham biscuit
But the nearest Bojangles’ is 28 miles away.
Okay, it’s been so long since I’ve posted that I had trouble remembering the’s URL.
Screen on the Green has been great the past two weeks. I’m looking forward to more of that. It’s been a lot of fun dragging out all my friends from around the DC area to hang out on the Mall and watch movies. Last week’s movie, was great! It had aliens, giant robots, and politics. To make things even better, the entire alien invasion was set in Washington, DC. I loved watching they flying saucer pass over the Capitol viewed from a camera angle almost exactly where I was sitting.
July 13, 2006
People always ask me what kind of music I like. Not because people are particularly interested in me. It’s just a question that people ask. Well, when I’m asked that, I usually say something vague like, “You know, whatever.” Thanks to Pandora Internet Radio, I can now answer that question, “I like Christ-centered music with a subtle use of vocal harmony, meandering melodic phrasing, mixed acoustic and electric instrumentation, extensive vamping, and an emotional male lead vocal performance.” I think I also like folk influences and major key tonality. Pandora is my new personal DJ.
Pandora is based on something called The Music Genome Project, classifying songs based on hundreds of musical attributes. You then go over to and put in the name of a song or a band that you like, and it will create a radio station just for you based on the attributes of the song or band you entered. As Pandora continues to suggest songs it thinks you’ll like, you can say “I like it” or “I don’t like it” and the musical playlist will be automatically adjusted to fit your more specific tastes! Of course, you could have found most of this out from just reading the Pandora FAQ.
If you haven’t tried Pandora yet, give it a try.
Here’s one of my favorite stations.
July 9, 2006
So, many of you know that I’m looking for a new place to live. It’s that time again, so I’m looking for a cheap place to stay.
Here’s the best I’ve found today:
Mobile home for rent in DC
Why did the Wise Men smell like smoke?
Because they came from afar!
You might need a little southern in you to get that one.
So today, I thought it would feel good to go run six miles. I was wrong.