::::Must.....Stay......Awake:::::I've been checking out my flights to and from Costa Rica tonight. It was actually a lot more fun than…
HEEEEEY! Look who's online!So, I hate dial-up. Dial-up really stinks. It's better than nothing, but it's slow and it's boring.…
Still haven't packed up the computer. Actually, I've been playing on it ever since the last post. Really. It's being…
Here it is...Last day on campus...Last day with broadband...Last day with my own server. Now I'm trying to devise a…
:-) One big happy face for all the world! No more exams! I'm done. So now I have about a…
1 more exam...I'm about 5 hours away from total freedom and all I can say is "WOOOO!"I actually have three…
Looks like dead week is turning out to be just about that. Well, as close to dead as any engineering…
Tonight I uploaded some changes. I think I've kinda settled on a look and feel. Be sure to check out…
I think it's getting late now....So the new page has been up for three days and I'm doing a complete…
POSTED!!! Hello, world. So it's not perfect. I'm just a wanna be hacker. But today, my new layout gets its…