
Leave the commentary to Op-Ed

WTOP's weather forecasting is usually right on the money. Their meteorologists are much more reliable than any online source. However,…

17 years ago

Word on the Street

I saw a comic strip earlier this week that said something like "When you're waiting at a traffic light to…

17 years ago

Completely Appalled

On the way in to work, I saw a Subaru Outback with far too many bumper stickers on it's metaphorical…

17 years ago

Elevator conversation.

A woman on the elevator with me today noticed I was carrying a helmet and asked me about my bike.…

18 years ago

Wish List

Here are a few things that I could really use but just don't feel like ponying up for right now.…

18 years ago

(-: Turning 25 =-o

So, it turns out I am just slightly older than the ubiquitous emoticon. Sorry NY Times requires you to register…

18 years ago

Rebel just because

Being a rebel comes with a price, and that price is realized in plastic overpants.

18 years ago

Happy Zonday!

18 years ago

Global Warmaking

When my favorite environut blog collides with my favorite vlogging assasin: Ask a Ninja declares Ninja Jihad on global warming.

18 years ago

Left on Red

In the interest of heading off any future arguments, horn honking, or possible citations, maybe you should set the following…

18 years ago