Can't install an operating system without cd-rom support. Can't get cd-rom support without an operating system. Feels like a problem.
It's been too long. Hack the planet!
Go check out the trailer for The Matix Reloaded. If you have a 1GHz machine or better, download the Ultra…
Man, Tater's getting married. What's up with that? People are growing up too fast. Don't worry. I don't think it's…
New pictures from my DC trip. There are some other updates coming when I get a chance. Stupid homework.
homework is stupid.
I've gone to Washington DC for the rest of the week. It should be much fun, meeting Supreme Court Justice…
Just got back from a weekend of hiking on Roan Mountain, TN/NC. Check out a few pictures.
From today's Technician:Over 6,000 students voted in this week's student body election, breaking last year's record of over 4,000. Apparently,…
Wearing my hiking boots out in the rain. I feel so at one with the bricks.