Sing it, Nora. You got me listening, and you've got me on a string.
I was having lunch with Rebecca today. And it was cool.
Check out these completely cuddly infections. GIANTmicrobes.
I'm pretty sure that banana nut milkshakes from Cook Out are one of those foods with negative calories. I don't…
I went to see a rock show tonight. But what I ended up seeing was every man and woman in…
As I go to bed, I leave you with some reading. The Velcometer.
This 3 hour break between classes may be a little generous. I've been to the computer lab, Starbucks (It's a…
Hey guys? Bored? Here. Play with the Mona Lisa.Thanks Mags.
So, ah, the back just fell off my chair. I'm not sure it has any redeeming qualities left.
So, I'm going back home for the day. I start school tomorrow! YAY!uh hum. Well, anyway, I left some music…