

Richelle Hollingshead is the most wonderful person in the world.

21 years ago


Thanks to Elizabeth Miller for my hot new desktop.

21 years ago

From a pair of jeans

"As jeans become accustomed to your body, whisker lines will appear. This is a sign that you and your jeans…

21 years ago

Love is a many splendored thing

I got up at six this morning to go to the career fair on campus. It starts at seven, and…

21 years ago

Shakespeare, Sonnet CXVI

Let me not to the marriage of true mindsAdmit impediments. Love is not loveWhich alters when it alteration finds,Or bends…

21 years ago

By coffee is a little crunchy today.

21 years ago

Here comes a really lame story

I was taking a nap this afternoon, and I had the most boring dream. I was in taking a test…

22 years ago

You might live in Alexander if?

You've ever explained to your roommate what "ghetto" means. You hate that median in front of the gym where the…

22 years ago

What do you think I could get for my soul?

I've discovered the evils of ebay now. One day, two orders. I don't feel bad yet, though. I got a…

22 years ago

Same Great Taste

Why isn't there more fruit juice sold? I go into a beverage type store and find all kinds of carbonated…

22 years ago