
WTC Toy Sold With Candy

Some central Florida residents were outraged to find local stores selling bags of candy including a toy depicting a airliner…

21 years ago


Wow! You guys are so awesome for still dropping by and leaving me little notes, even when I hadn't posted…

21 years ago


Yeah, I've been busy. Here's kinda what's going on. I've been at work for a week now, and I'm a…

21 years ago

Suddenly I Have Something To Do With My Day

I got a really great job offer this week. It's just not here. So that means I'll be moving to…

21 years ago

Rules of English

This has been on my mind for a while. I just decided to look into it for myself. Just in…

21 years ago

Current Mood: Desirous to Get Outside

I finally bought that KVM switch. I ordered it from, since the guys at Best Buy were being all…

21 years ago

What we do with the time that is given to us

I just paid my cell phone bill. I used 294 of my 300 minutes this month. I WIN!!

21 years ago

My Excuse

I know I haven't posted in a while. Gotta keep you guys coming back. There's not a lot going on.…

21 years ago


I want one of these and some acid washed jeans.

21 years ago

Local Forecast Every Ten Minutes

Well, the remote moved out with Allen. So it looks like I'll be watching the Weather Channel all day.

21 years ago