
Jensen Beach, FL

This place reminds me of the Outer Banks, except tropical. Itls the middle of October and in the high 80s.…

16 years ago

Why Florida is better than Las Vegas

Yesterday I was in Las Vegas. Today I'm in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It was a good move. Let me tell…

16 years ago

Out of town

I've been traveling a lot lately. I've been in California for the past two weeks and have one more to…

16 years ago

Most confusing road signs

This cracked me up. America's 10 Most Confusing Traffic Signs

16 years ago

Official Chevy Volt Pictures Released

I want one. [] I like this redesign a lot better than the original concept. It's a lot more palatable…

16 years ago


I love Chic-fil-A breakfast. If I didn't worry about the amount of deep-fried chicken and lard-laced biscuits my body can…

17 years ago

About my running

I started running my senior year of high school. I did one season of cross country and half a season…

17 years ago

Really long uganda update

I'm going to Uganda! I depart August 3 to spend two weeks in the internal displacement camps of the Apac…

17 years ago

Riding in to work

Here's a video I filmed a while back on my way in to work. It's about 1/2 of my trip…

17 years ago

Eating McDonald’s — The Biker way

Here's something I can associate with:

17 years ago