
You two sheepboys! Stop that jibber-jabbin!

Here is today's thing that freaks me out: Skittles sheepboys.

18 years ago

cold front rolling in

After taking the scenic route to Sterling this morning (which takes 5 minutes longer than the ugly route) I noticed…

18 years ago

Ahoy me harties!

Do ye know what day it is? Aye, this day be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So, avast and…

18 years ago

Nobody Dances Anymore

I don't know anything about this video except that it's hosted at I like it, though. Hot link following!…

18 years ago

Watching guys pogo makes me happy

I just learned that about myself. Let's watch this guy bounce around. I love the music, too. If you want…

18 years ago


Due to a change in schedule, I took a different route into work today, involving a few miles up Interstate…

18 years ago

Radio’s back up

I moved a couple of weeks ago, which means new ISP, new networking hardware. None of that matters much, because…

18 years ago

Part-time Student Status

Last week I started classes at GMU. I'm going to the Fairfax once a week in the process of earning…

19 years ago

I need costume ideas

Halloween is coming up. I need ideas for a costume -- one that I can either get together myself of…

19 years ago

Treadmill Dance

Maybe I'm a little slow in getting to this, but here's the video of the day. OK Go - "Here…

19 years ago