
February 3, 2009


Filed under: DC,mobile update,rants — bdparker @ 5:50 am

For somebody who spends most of his daylight hours inside a windowless office, I sure talk about the weather a lot. If you like weather, I suppose Washington, DC is a good place for you. You like sunny days? You like driving rains? You like snow, sleet, ice pellets, freezing rain? You like unseasonably warm weather, or frigid temperatures? We got that. In fact, that was all today. There are plenty of cool days and mild days. Sometimes those come with gusting winds as well. If that doesn’t satisfy you, we’ll have scorching sun, unbearable humidity, tornadoes and hurricanes later. Just stand by. We’ll let you know about the changing conditions every ten minutes on the eights.

January 24, 2009

Night in the City

Filed under: DC,food — Tags: , , , , , , , — bdparker @ 4:13 pm

I went out to celebrate a friend’s birthday last night near Foggy Bottom. Yesterday was about the warmest day I’ve seen in months, so I was excited to ride my motorcycle. I took the long way in, since it was so nice out, and got to see a dozen George Washington U students walking around in cardboard boxes as part of some fraternal hazing ritual. Thanks to my two-wheeled transport, I parked right outside the door of McFaddens for the party. Well I left the club at about 2:00, just in time to go up to Adams Morgan for some jumbo, slice pizza. If you’ve never been to Adam’s Morgan, you’ll want this visual to get some context. There are four or five places in Adams Morgan that sell “bigger than your head” slices of pizza. Pizza Mart is by far the best. While I was ordering, more than one person came in and said “[Praise the Lord!!] look at the size of that!” I got a real kick out of the one guy who kept asking for a vegetarian pizza. The Pizza Mart isn’t exactly a health food store.

It takes a while to eat a slice of pizza that big. While I stood around on the street and watched the happenings of Washington, DC at 2am, I picked up what must have become DC’s version of Hawaii’s “Aloha.” People were just shouting “Obama!” to each other as they passed on the sidewalk. Of course I also overheard someone say “How come every time you see a young, black person you say ‘Obama’?” I didn’t hear the answer.

Speaking of Obama, I hear he wants to jump-start the economy through a massive public works program. He can start with the streets in his neighborhood. Riding a motorcycle through Washington, DC is akin to riding a wooden roller coaster with some bolts missing. Seriously jarring.

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