Boogity Boogity

17 years ago

Ride with me

17 years ago

YouTube clearing house

17 years ago

I need to watch more of the IT Crowd: OJ Simpson fan at news conference: Also, check out everything…

Improbable Sports Moments

17 years ago

Baseball bat stands on end It would take a few tries to do this. Randy Johnson hits bird with 95MPH…

Leave the commentary to Op-Ed

17 years ago

WTOP's weather forecasting is usually right on the money. Their meteorologists are much more reliable than any online source. However,…

Word on the Street

17 years ago

I saw a comic strip earlier this week that said something like "When you're waiting at a traffic light to…

Completely Appalled

17 years ago

On the way in to work, I saw a Subaru Outback with far too many bumper stickers on it's metaphorical…

Elevator conversation.

18 years ago

A woman on the elevator with me today noticed I was carrying a helmet and asked me about my bike.…

Wish List

18 years ago

Here are a few things that I could really use but just don't feel like ponying up for right now.…

(-: Turning 25 =-o

18 years ago

So, it turns out I am just slightly older than the ubiquitous emoticon. Sorry NY Times requires you to register…