
February 12, 2009

Valentine’s Idea

Filed under: holidays,media,video — bdparker @ 2:40 pm

Looking for the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day? You can’t beat the economy and sentiment of writing a poem. In case you’re having a little trouble starting out, here’s some inspiration.


February 11, 2009

Single This Valentine’s Day? Get Excited!

Filed under: holidays,media,video — bdparker @ 1:21 pm

You’re going to have a blast. How about a girls night out?


February 10, 2009

Ah, L’Amour

Filed under: holidays,media,video — bdparker @ 10:10 pm

In preparation for Valentine’s Day (my favorite holiday) I’m going to feature a few of my favorite videos. First, I present you with this lovely animation from Don Hertzfeldt, of “Rejected” fame. (I AM A BANANA!)


February 4, 2009

25 Things

Filed under: general,personal — Tags: , — bdparker @ 3:04 am

Ok, 4 people have tagged me for this on Facebook. I figure I’ll go ahead and give in.
Here we go:

  1. My biggest pet peeve is homophone misuse. I can’t stand it when people confuse “”to”, “too”, and “two” or other simple homophones like “their”, “there”, and “they’re”.
  2. I’m a really slow writer. It’s going to take me days to finish this list. I always put a lot of thought into everything I write. And I’m easily distracted.
  3. I like to open bottles with my teeth. It’s a trick I learned in Uganda from one of my best friends, a Nigerian.
  4. I have no use for winter. I want it banished. I’d much rather be hot than cold. I’m rooting for global warming.
  5. I’m an environmentalist. Pollution is one of my biggest pet peeves. I want to be able to enjoy nature.
  6. I like loud music with a strong beat.
  7. I spent three spring breaks in college driving cross country. I think I visited 30 states or so in those trips.
  8. I love to go places, but I’m getting a little tired of traveling — that is, the actual journey. It may have something to do with spending between an hour and two every day just going to work in northern Virginia.
  9. I get really excited about math.
  10. A lot of times I don’t say what I’m thinking because what I’m thinking is a stupid Internet meme.
  11. By my 27th birthday I’d never broken a bone. By my 28th, I think I’d broken three. I should get an x-ray. And drink more milk.
  12. I’ve had very few serious injuries. They were both in Costa Rica. First time I went, I caught my leg on fire. That was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. The second time I went there, I got in a motorcycle accident and lost about a pound of flesh. I’m hoping to retain some scars from that.
  13. The first criteria on which I judge restaurants is whether or not they have a place to hang coats. It’s hard to enjoy a meal when you’re sitting on your coat or picking it up off the floor. Attention to details is important.
  14. I miss being able to get sweet tea at every restaurant I go to.
  15. I have one sibling — my older brother Scott, who’s in my Facebook profile picture.
  16. I don’t listen.
  17. Usually, right after I meet people, they ask where I’m from. I guess I have a southern accent. Now that I’ve lived up north for a while, if I hear a recording of myself, I’m surprised at how slowly I speak. I’m not in a hurry.
  18. When I was a tyke, I had a Hot Wheels police motorcycle that I rode. Mom claims that’s why I’ve always wanted a motorcycle. I love my bike.
  19. I decided I’m going to focus more on eating “food” and less on “food products” like HFCS and processed foods. Right now I’m drinking artificially-flavored, syrupy, black cherry soda from IBC. So you see how that’s going.
  20. I’m into big art. I have a painting of Raphael’s cherubini over my bed. It’s as big as my bed. Love that picture. I’ve actually had the same print in my room since I was a freshman in college. It got abused over the years but shortly after I moved to Virginia a very good friend got me a new print and framed it.
  21. I’m kind of a drama snob. I love to go to a play, but only if it’s produced in a way completely unlike it’s ever been done before.
  22. I have a crush on Missy Pergrym. Therefore, I am mad at Ben Rotheslesberger.
  23. I’m all for trying anything once. If there’s not a really good reason not to, I say, “Why not?”
  24. I’m critical. That is to say, I question everything. My opinions and beliefs are stronger for examining why I hold them and discarding what is unfounded.
  25. I love a good argument. Often I find myself arguing a completely indefensible point just to get somebody to say something rational back to me. I do it without realizing it. I’m perfectly willing to give up when the argument is lost. If nobody manages a convincing job, sometimes I’m left confused, briefly thinking I must have been right.

February 3, 2009


Filed under: DC,mobile update,rants — bdparker @ 5:50 am

For somebody who spends most of his daylight hours inside a windowless office, I sure talk about the weather a lot. If you like weather, I suppose Washington, DC is a good place for you. You like sunny days? You like driving rains? You like snow, sleet, ice pellets, freezing rain? You like unseasonably warm weather, or frigid temperatures? We got that. In fact, that was all today. There are plenty of cool days and mild days. Sometimes those come with gusting winds as well. If that doesn’t satisfy you, we’ll have scorching sun, unbearable humidity, tornadoes and hurricanes later. Just stand by. We’ll let you know about the changing conditions every ten minutes on the eights.

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