Yesterday I was in Las Vegas. Today I’m in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It was a good move. Let me tell you why Florida is better than Vegas.
1. The ocean.
2. Beaches, actual beaches, not wavepool nonsense.
3. No sandstorms. When I left Vegas it was about 60 degrees with a 15 mph wind. Absolutely freezing.
4. Nobody in Ft. Lauderdale hands you fliers advertising prostitutes.
5. Beaches.
6. Bicycles.
7. Florida is cheaper.
8. Um, some dude just handed me his dog.
9. Grits.
10. Not in the middle of the desert.
11. Beaches
12. No jean shorts. Why is every guy in Las Vegas wearing jean shorts?
13. Don’t have to take an escalator to cross
14. Non-smoking sections
15. Salt Air
16. And the ocean