
February 18, 2007

Today’s Happenings

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 4:36 pm

I’m staying home today and catching up on all kinds of work. I started hearing some loud noises this afternoon and didn’t think much of it at first. There’s a lot of traffic around here, and a lot of aircraft fly nearby. I hear a lot of noises and can’t figure out what they are. But the noises continued. My first thought was that it sounded like cannon fire. Then I thought maybe fireworks. For about half an hour, the explosions continued, so I decided to investigate. So, to the best of my ability, I ran across the permafrost that is covering Northern Virginia to find out what was going on. Right across the street from my building, there was a Revolutionary War reenactment.

And then there was this random snow storm.


  1. Hmmm.. I think I drove by this reenactment. One of my good friends lives near by and I was taking her out for her birthday. We almost stopped. That was the most random snow ever.

    Comment by Em — March 24, 2007 @ 1:35 pm

  2. Pardon me, I mean nearby 🙂

    Comment by Em. — March 24, 2007 @ 1:36 pm

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