
January 26, 2007


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 7:48 am

It is bitterly cold.
15 degrees
It snowed about an inch last weekend, and we’ve been getting flurries all week. The Manolo claims that DC residents were trained to drive in San Diego, and I believe he is right. It seems everyone in the greater DC area uses the first snow fall as an opportunity to drive on the wrong side of the road, run into other cars, and test how far their SUV will slide on its side.
This particularly upsets me, because last Saturday, before it started snowing — before there were even clouds — someone rear-ended me at a stop-light. Until I can get repair scheduled, Aicha’s tailpipe is sagging and mangled below her marred bumper. I do have to say she solidly won that fight, though. So, until this weather is over or until everybody starts riding Metro I’m paranoid about somebody else running into the back of me.
In the meantime, I’m burning all my plastics in an effort to foster more global warming.

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