
February 27, 2006

The Samsung YP-25 and SanDisk Sansa e200 MP3 Players

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:34 am

How about some real competition with the iPod nano? Finally, here’s some.

Samsung Z-5Slated for release on March 5, the Samsung YP-Z5 boasts 2 and 4 GB flash versions. With a larger 1.8″ screen (as compared to the nano’s 1.5″), battery life exceeding 30 hours (better than doubling iPod’s)and a price point almost exactly the same as the comparable Apple-branded player, Another plus, this sturdier player probably won’t look like it’s been run over after carrying it in your pocket for a few days.
Although the Samsung has the same profile as the nano, the Samsung is about twice as thick. (Samsung: 3.54″ x 1.66″ x .45″ ; Apple: 3.5 x 1.6 x 0.27)
Verdict: This is going to be a direct competitor to the nano, and a very viable one. Unfortunately, it’s too close to the same thing. Right now, the nano is thinner, the Samsung has better battery life, which one looks better is a matter of personal preference I guess. Looks like Samsung has a solid foundation here. What they need right now, though is a one-up on Apple, and as the maker of the same flash memory that Apple uses for the iPod, I expect either an 8GB version or a considerable price-cut coming from Samsung in the near future.

SanDisk e200Also, keep your eye out for more details on the Sansa e200, a sleek (3.5″ x 1.7″ x 0.5″) new model from flash-memory mogul SanDisk, which is poised for release in late March or early April. It also features a 1.8″ screen, slim size, and 2 or 4GB versions, but this little monster will also be available with up to 6GB memory installed PLUS a microSD expansion slot. Other features: a removable, replacable, rechargable battery, video playback, FM tuner, and voice recording. Priced for competition with the iPod, I could be seen carrying one of these in the near future.

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