
September 2, 2004

WTC Toy Sold With Candy

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 9:37 pm

Some central Florida residents were outraged to find local stores selling bags of candy including a toy depicting a airliner crashing into one of two skyscrapers. The toys, each stamped with the number 9011 were purchased site-unseen by a distributer, however the import company that sold to the distributer claims to see nothing wrong with the toy at all. That’s really just moronic. I hope these guys see their business fall off very quickly.
Oh my. These bags of candy were packaged under a name like “plastic swing toy” and it was said that the retailers didn’t see the toy because they were packed underneath similar packages containing a toy with a man swinging between the two buildings. A bearded and turbaned man. In context, is there any doubt that this toy was designed to honor Osama Bin Laden?
I’m shocked! Shocked!

1 Comment

  1. hey brad, i miss you buddy… but i’m glad that things are going well. i hope that you are finding all the cool stuff to do in town. by the way how late is too late to call? and you’re right to be shocked… i’m shocked. indeed i am.

    Comment by hailey — September 2, 2004 @ 9:55 pm

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