
September 9, 2003


Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:24 pm

This evening, I walked along the brick sidewalk, eating a hotdog I had picked up at the C-store. Well, with every bite, the hotdog slid a bit toward my mouth, so by the time I got half way through the bun, there was no hotdog left, and I really didn?t mind. That?s when it hit me. THE NOTDOG!!! It?s a hotdog without the weiner. Just a bun full of tastiness. As I was enjoying a bun full of chili, onions, ketchup and mustard, I realized, ?This is the reason people eat hotdogs anyway!? Hotdog itself implies substandard meat. Nobody likes the wiener; it?s all about what you put on it. So I could start selling Notdogs. Or you could. I don?t mind, because I don?t have the initiative to do anything about it.

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