
October 10, 2002

Filed under: general — bdparker @ 12:08 am

Okay, and here’s a blog stolen from some vegan website. I was amused.
My skin is crawling. The largest purpose-built livestock ship in the world is loading up. This boat can carry 25,000 cows. There’s a picture. Why are they putting 25,000 live cows on a boat? So they can take them from Australia to Egypt, where they will be ritually slaughtered. If we continue to make big boats like this it can only lead to an accident where tens of thousands of cows end up forming a society on a deserted island, building radios and grenade launchers out of coconuts, refining their kung-fu (I have no idea what that link’s about), and then wham, it’s all over for humanity. Just something to keep in mind if you’re thinking about ordering up a burger anytime soon.”

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