22 years ago

For a good time, put this in your address bar and hit return: (don't include the quotes)"javascript: for(a=' bottles of…

22 years ago

Do one thing every day that scares me.

22 years ago

Elevators: Why do we willingly shut ourselves up, often with half a dozen or more other people, in a small…

22 years ago

From Wild at Heart by John Elderedge:"If you had permission to do what you really want to do, what would…

22 years ago

Kashi Good Friends tastes like bark. But it tastes like lightly and naturally sweetened bark, giving it a delightfully sweet…

22 years ago

Anything worth living for is worth dying for. Discuss.

23 years ago

First pants, then shoes. I'm going out for a run. I think. Looking for a battle, anyway.

23 years ago

This is the most fun you can have with 90 calories.

23 years ago

Would you mind if I had a break?...down

23 years ago

This one's for Dylan:Bob and Sally see each other across a dance floor and feel an attraction. Assuming the attraction…