21 years ago

By coffee is a little crunchy today.

Here comes a really lame story

21 years ago

I was taking a nap this afternoon, and I had the most boring dream. I was in taking a test…

You might live in Alexander if?

21 years ago

You've ever explained to your roommate what "ghetto" means. You hate that median in front of the gym where the…

What do you think I could get for my soul?

21 years ago

I've discovered the evils of ebay now. One day, two orders. I don't feel bad yet, though. I got a…

Same Great Taste

21 years ago

Why isn't there more fruit juice sold? I go into a beverage type store and find all kinds of carbonated…


22 years ago

This evening, I walked along the brick sidewalk, eating a hotdog I had picked up at the C-store. Well, with…

22 years ago

I'm back!!!!

Thirty guys and a truck (or two)

22 years ago

I think I'd like to move my family every weekend. There were so many people over here (and there) today…

Hasta un otro tiempo

22 years ago

Summer break is here, and I'm moving, so that means the computer is getting unplugged. The result: for the next…

Lunch on the Run 5, Press Start

22 years ago

So I'm back home in W-town. It smells like the beach here. There's a breeze and it's not so humid.…