20 years ago

So here I am in corporate America, prescribing to the confines of what we call "Washington Professional Dress" (WPD). I…

Vive la diff?rence

20 years ago

"As of last year, Iraq owed France an estimated $4 billion for arms and infrastructure projects, according to French government…

Parking Lot Irony

21 years ago

I took this picture in my apartment's deck. Click the picture for a larger image and see if you can…


21 years ago

After I spent four hours putting together my new desk, I noticed a sticker on it that said "Made in…

WTC Toy Sold With Candy

21 years ago

Some central Florida residents were outraged to find local stores selling bags of candy including a toy depicting a airliner…


21 years ago

Wow! You guys are so awesome for still dropping by and leaving me little notes, even when I hadn't posted…


21 years ago

Yeah, I've been busy. Here's kinda what's going on. I've been at work for a week now, and I'm a…

Suddenly I Have Something To Do With My Day

21 years ago

I got a really great job offer this week. It's just not here. So that means I'll be moving to…

Rules of English

21 years ago

This has been on my mind for a while. I just decided to look into it for myself. Just in…