String theory, relativity, and other things I don’t understand

20 years ago

Check out these NOVA programs. Learn something. Even if it is all bunk.

Getting ready for the move

20 years ago

Just broke the can opener. That's one less thing I have to pack. Oh. And I finished off 3 rolls…

Those Japanese researchers are awesome

20 years ago

And they make such good VCRs. I definitely need my tin-foil hat for this one, though.

Just to poke fun at Apple

20 years ago

I've commented on this before, but I'd like to say again that Apple Computer, always the innovator is now making…

Excited about my kicks

20 years ago

If you've seen me in the past month or so, then you already know that I absolutely love these shoes…

Maybe this instead

20 years ago

Hybrid Solar Lighting from Sunlight Direct

More Daylight?

20 years ago

Lawmakers move to extend daylight-saving time I think it's a dumb idea. I can't believe it got this far. I'm…

Lighten up on Soda

20 years ago

An advocacy group is trying to get warning labels on soft drinks. But, you probably already knew that because you…

The things you learn…

20 years ago

The Space Shuttle countdown begins at T-43 and counting. It is then almost three days (that's about 72 hours) until…